Hungarian companies, attention! Opportunities have come to survive the coronavirus crisis


At the first stop in Hiventures and Portfolio’s new and unique joint series of online events, which will begin at 10 a.m. on May 14, participants will be the first to get a complete picture of the measures in the Plan of Hungarian Economic Action and its importance. Subsequently, from the presentations of the CEO of Magyar Fejlesztési Bank and after Hiventures, the managers and owners of Hungarian companies can learn in detail about the opportunities offered by the MFB Group and the Manager of the Venture Capital Fund of Hiventures within the packages crisis.

But that is not the end of the program: after the presentations, the panelists will share their experiences on the crisis management techniques that companies have implemented in the last two months, what typical and good practices exist, where a state bank and a commercial bank, venture capital fund manager, what role can the collateral or even a consulting firm play and what may be the lessons of the long-term epidemiological crisis for managers and owners of national companies.

After the conference, registered participants will also be invited to provide one-on-one consultations, during which Hiventures experts will provide private online advice to companies.

The detailed program:

  1. 10:00 – 10:10 The Hungarian economic rescue package: what can companies expect? Speaker: István Madár, Senior Analyst, Portfolio
  2. 10:10 – 10:25 Speaker: Dr. Levente Sipos-Tompa, President and CEO, MFB
  3. 10:25 – 10:40 Crisis packages and opportunities for Hungarian companies, Speaker: Bence Katona, CEO, Hiventures
  4. 10:40 – 11:30 Panel Discussion: Hungarian companies’ response to the coronavirus crisis

Conversation participants:

  • Éva Búza, CEO, Garantiqua Hitelgarancia Zrt. (By request)
  • Balázs Garamvölgyi, General Manager, Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zrt. (Upon request)
  • András Gereben, President, Equilor Befektetési Zrt.
  • Álmos Mikesy, Deputy General Manager, Hiventures
  • Moderator: Gergely Csiki, Director, Portfolio

More details and application by clicking HERE.

Our articles on new Hiventures programs so far are available here:

Cover image source: Getty Images
