Hundub: a shitty Facebook clone is the new Hungarian social media site


A few weeks ago a Hungarian community site called Hundub was launched, which seeks to provide Internet haven for users who, according to the creators of the new portal, are already tired of opinion control, incomprehensible bans and inconsistent censorship on other social platforms. Although the platform defines itself against Facebook, registrants face a weak copy of the Zuckerberg Empire, with no acquaintances or appreciable content. But there are other problems.

Typing Hundub’s address into the browser takes you to a login interface that is eerily similar to Facebook’s solution. You can become a member with a fake email address in about two minutes, without any verification, and you can feel right at home immediately after auto-login, as the creators of Hungarian rural and civil programmers have copied the look of the larger community site. and the basic functions of the platform.

Hundub We can immediately feel at home.

“Steal, let’s steal …”

At the top is a blue bar with a viewer, icons for icons, family flags, and a notification bell. In the middle is the feed (or news feed, even the site could not decide), and on the left is a list of messengers, events, pages and groups, and there is a shopping center where you can give / buy. The content can be shared like in the big blue giant: we can insert links, upload images and the developers have also copied the mood / activity option, which runs like Feeling, without blinking. The latter is quite comical on an emphatically Hungarian community site, where there is currently no other language available.

How much the creators didn’t bother to blatantly steal the Facebook layout is a good indication of when the cursor gets confused with reactions to posts. The emerging animated possibilities (like, heart, laugh, wonder, etc.) have been taken one by one by the Zuckerbergs, with the only difference that there is a seventh icon, significantly different from the others, called “The Commissioner of Big Brother I would forbid it ”. We could take this as a joke, but the site operators seriously think that they are resistance to censorship on Facebook.

Hundub Of course, stealing from “Big Brother” is not a sin.

This is also indicated by the fact that the basic profile picture is stylized for everyone. Guy fawkes mask, as well as the official Hundub site, also report that freedom of speech is caught in the eyes of some and they want to make it impossible to attack the site, which has become inaccessible quite often. As one post says:

We understand that American Facebook wants to dominate everything, but we believe in free competition. We send a message to the accusers: He is not behind us either Orbán, sem Soros. We want to run Hundub on our own and with community funds. We are Hungarian civilians who do not want to be public figures, but who do our best to be a Hungarian social network.

The above statements have a unique flavor due to the fact that Murmurati Limited, another company registered in an offshore paradise of Central America, appears to be the main owner of a company called Hundub Kereskedelmi és Szolgálató Kft. Compared to Hungarian civilians, here we write about a rather vague property background:

The so-called freedom of expression

A very repeated feature of the site is that, according to the operators, unlike other social networks, there are no defined “protected groups” here: anyone can scold the government or the opposition, say anything about the coronavirus, or any minority group or controlling. The site prohibits the use of symbols of dictatorship or incitement to commit any crime, citing the Penal Code and, in rather short and strange terms of use compared to other community sites, asks registered members to avoid sharing highly violent content or nudity . , promoting sexual activities.

However, it is not about who verifies how and how users comply with the terms of use.

The tangled and hastily tangled data management policy is also interesting: the navigation gives the person the feeling that it was only done out of obligation and, like the conditions of use, there is a high probability that a competent lawyer will not have seen it. This is reinforced by the fact that when writing our article, the section entitled Right to redress provides an email address with points where we can report our complaints.

Hundub Most likely, this text has never been seen by a lawyer.

Hundub already has more than 40,000 registered users, which isn’t a bad performance in that amount of time, but it’s wet by social media standards. After registering, for example, I was only able to mark curious journalists as acquaintances who did not share anything in the feed, so I had so much interaction that I tried the chat function, which worked a little slowly.

No appreciable content was received from any other source. Although the groups and pages are mushroom-shaped, they have little or no followers, and posts are rarely born at the moment. Outside of the central side of Hundub, only Wild Shoots have so far been able to recruit more crowds: membership exceeds 4,500, and site operators who deserve a verified title are happy to post that there is finally a place to put images of rainbow / babies “Stop! Buzz propaganda! “with text.

Hundub’s “seriousness” is indicated by the fact that the sites called Telex and Index have also received verified status. While this, presumably like the authentication check mark on Facebook and Twitter, is meant to indicate that the editorial staff of those pages are actually behind them, this is not the case. For example, these days, the same post appeared on both pages with a link to the YouTube channel World In light of this, it is perhaps no exaggeration to state that

Hundub can be a hotbed of not just “free speech”, but also fake news and deliberate misrepresentations, apparently involving operators.

Hundub Letters from the competition with the same publication that don’t even point to their own side. Suspicious.

However, the user is insecure not only because a company with a confused background manages their data and published content, and can spread everything from pseudo news to hate posts uncontrollably, but also because Hundub is not technically up to the mark. enemy of Facebook. On December 29, an IT professional pointed out that the directory listing feature on the site was not disabled, so various data was available with minimal skill through the file structure. The amateur flaw has since been fixed, but this begs the question: how prepared is Hundub for smarter attackers?

You have future

Although the idea of ​​a social site that works as an alternative to Facebook is not from the devil at all, Hundub in its current form is nothing more than a shitty clone that wants to recruit registered users by putting free speech under its banner.

At the same time, in the case of a rather blatant copy, it is more important that the new Hungarian social network seems to have been launched on the Hungarian Internet without more serious principles, adequate infrastructure and any kind of control, with a vague ownership background.

Apparently this already has beneficiaries, but right now it’s hard to imagine Hundub being a real competitor to Facebook or any major social media site. The Hungarian tap is ugly, slow, does not support the interest that has been torn apart in recent days, and only in terms of the functions available, the loud and misunderstood freedom of speech does not offer anything that needs to be recorded.

Of course, there is a good chance that the number of users will increase in the next period, but with the current alternatives, mass migration is just a dream, without which such a platform has no chance of survival, especially if the operators thought seriously they wanted community funds for up to a minute. maintain the portal.
