Hundreds of psychologists stood by Fairytale Land and parted ways with Emők Bagdy


Stories are of utmost importance in our lives because they show how the world around us works: psychologists who Dora Dúró They commented in the book Fairy Tale for All, that The Open Resolution, published on Saturday, has already been signed by more than 800 psychologists.

Experts emphasize

Through the transmission of values ​​and the presentation of ways of dealing with the situation, stories can help the reader to reach their own inner order. The importance and uniqueness of Fairytale Land for everyone lies in its diversity. The book describes characters who do not appear or who appear very rarely in the stories, so the volume carries an important message both for the groups involved and for members of the majority society.

According to them, the storybook is important to children as the characters in it because it is essential for our self-acceptance and positive self-esteem to meet positive heroes like us who can serve as role models to see the group of which we are members in a way. positive.

Based on research, it is written that under the influence of the environment of non-acceptance and exclusion, people other than the majority of society experience serious anxiety and crisis that distances them from the majority, thus creating a divided society.

For this reason, this book is important for the children of the majority society precisely to see children in a different life situation. Let them see that the members of this group are as diverse as they are, and although they differ in certain things, they have many desires, struggles and motivations. It is important to note that the book has been published as a non-compulsory reading, everyone is free to buy and read it, and we respect this freedom. However, we emphasize that there is no premature awareness if the story and text are appropriate for that age group. Based on these, the book can be an excellent awareness-raising tool for children, since it tells in their language about the people who live with us but who do not necessarily know them on a daily basis.

Emdy Bagdy and the two princes

At the end of their statement, the protesting psychologists point out that the book elaborates and elevates important social phenomena to the world of fairy tales, that it is not dangerous for children or other members of society, and at the same time for various psychologists, p. Ex. By Emők Bagdy – also demarcated:

We also distance ourselves from the statements of all psychologists, such as Emőke Bagdy, who believe that they contain unprofessional statements and contrary to the current position of science, and that they are expected to have the effect of increasing hatred and social exclusion.

As is well known, Emőke Bagdy recently told the Hungarian Nation in connection with the storybook that “gendarmes are a danger to children.”

According to a well-known professor of psychology, early sensitization is dangerous because social influences can be so strong that they can prevent the opening of a regulatory gene or modify what is inherited. He stressed that parents and educators must strengthen what they bring genetically, thus creating a balance between biological gender and social gender, to avoid a crisis in the child’s soul.

Emőke Bagdy also explained that in kindergarten, if a child hears a story about two princes who love each other, he will notice this and it will be proof for him that children can love each other.

Featured image: Márton Mohos /
