There are those who want to take what little István Szilágyi’s widow has left him in an incredibly unpleasant way. Suspicious figures have appeared around Aunt Jolika’s house in recent days claiming that they want to help, but her teeth will certainly damage the woman’s house, her precious plot.
There are those who want to take what little István Szilágyi’s widow has left him in an incredibly unpleasant way. Suspicious figures have appeared around Aunt Jolika’s house in recent days claiming that they want to help, but her teeth will certainly damage the woman’s house, her precious plot.
Just a week after the brutal murder of István Szilágyi, speculators have already appeared at the widow’s home. A XVII. district on a quiet suburban street, residents have noted in recent days that Suspicious cars are parked in front of the woman’s home, and several appear to be guarding the property..
Several people took action on several nights this week: They waited for all of the woman’s aides to leave the house, then started yelling at the door, and they were not encouraging at all – or four of them spoke to Jolika to open the door. The noise was also noticed by the seller of the convenience store next to the house.
“My girlfriend entered the convenience store with mean-spirited figures waiting at Aunt Joli’s door. We went out, I told some men and my husband to help me. We asked them what they wanted, they said they raised money for Aunt Joli. When we asked them to prove themselves, they did not, they quickly walked away. He told the Ripost seller at a nearby store.
Then the woman set out to acquire goods, but when she returned, the suspicious figures were still there, there were even more.
A neighborhood man told Ripost that he had seen the suspicious company two days earlier and even heard it. they talk about how much the plot in which Szilágyiék’s house is located can be worth. He also added that he would not be surprised to find out that they were members of the housing mob.
Aunt Jolika is being cared for by an entire community and its helpers: no one will allow the woman to get into trouble, or perhaps treacherously confiscate her only property, her home.
– I really like living here, this apartment is my everything. My memories are tied here, I definitely won’t go anywhere from here She stated.
He also received a cell phone from his benefactors in case he felt in danger, he needed help.
Since the tragedy, the police presence on the street has increased: the patrolmen cross several times a day in the quiet neighborhood, slowing down in front of the house and observing the events, taking care of Aunt Jolika.
The artist will be buried on May 22.
Aunt Jolika got into a car with an employee of the Baptist Charity Service yesterday to organize together the details of the funeral of István Szilágyi. According to Ripost, the autopsy of the older actor has already taken place, and although his widow wanted a coffin burial, it could not be carried out.
“I wanted a white mahogany coffin for Pista, but they said it should be cremated … We also have a funeral date, Friday, May 22, we will accompany my husband on his last trip,” Aunt Joli told Ripost.
The old woman has chosen the prominent plot where her husband will rest and where she will want to go if her earthly career ends.