Hospital providers turned to the government for an unsustainable situation


The Association for Medical Technology (OSZ) calls on the Hungarian government to take measures as soon as possible to pay the past due debts of health institutions, according to a statement sent to our newspaper by an organization representing a significant part of hospital providers .

Photo: MTI Photo / Zoltán Balogh

The Covid-19 pandemic affected all economic operators. Preparing hospitals for the epidemic and deferring a significant portion of elective surgeries, that is, reducing care, also significantly reduced the turnover of hospital providers. According to the Hungarian State Treasury, the past due health system debt was HUF 45.7 billion at the end of November, according to the announcement.

These two factors cause serious management difficulties for the almost 4,500, almost without exception, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that, in addition to the self-sacrificing work of health workers, provide the conditions for the treatment and operation of care. Hungarian doctor. the attention of the OSZ.

Companies have done their best to keep their tens of thousands of employees despite the difficulties. At the same time

the current situation is already unsustainable for many of them.

In the event of an epidemic, ensuring continuous, high-level healthcare is essential. Early and full debt settlement is also necessary to ensure the safety of patient care and maintain the viability of provider companies, hospital providers emphasize in their statement.
