Horrors message: as long as you have freedom of expression, let’s live with it


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The two men, who had been produced by the police in the past two days for spreading horror, were made public at the same time. Gyula csoka-Szucs John and Andrew Szegin live Kusinszki (who now appears for the first time in the name of the case) told the story of a partisan show.

Kusinszki said that when 6-7 police officers showed up yesterday at dawn saying “they’re being investigated for a crime highlighted by the spread of horror,” at first he couldn’t imagine what it could be and then quickly fell in love with him as a post. from a government critic’s Facebook. back (in which he writes, among other things, that the government deliberately timed the lifting of the curfew by the time the coronavirus peaked).

According to him, it has been said several times that this is a “priority case”, while the police were fair to him, several people know him personally about the agreement, they are in a good relationship.

He was then taken to the police station where he was questioned about the Facebook post. Among other things, who was he referring to when he wrote about a dictator in his publication. Kusinsky replied, “to those who make up laws that are unmanageable, meaningless and unfeasible for citizens,” but the person himself is not interested.

Kusinszki, who also makes wooden fences decorated with Hungarian and Szekler motifs, was outraged that police had posted a video of his home.

Gyula csoka-Szucs Janos (who shared Akos Hadházy’s Facebook post that “emptied the Gyula 1170 crib”), said that he, too, was removed from his home and asked, among other things, also about how member organizations. Jackdaw-Szucs participated in active opposition circles in Gyula, a support member of the Momentum and Peter Marquis-zay All Hungarian Movement. Your phone and computer have been reserved, you have had to enter your password, for example, you have accessed your email.

After questioning the disabled retiree, they were not helped to get home.

When asked in retrospect how they would evaluate their case and what they would advise others, András Kusinszki replied: “He has nothing to regret.” He said that his environment was more scared than himself, his acquaintances asked him if they would take them because they shared the publication. According to him, it is about “intimidating good people” and suggesting to people:

They boldly write their opinions, being careful to act according to the rules of freedom of expression, so as not to end up with everyone listening.

“We need to talk, we need to explore problems as long as we have freedom of expression, let’s live with it,” he said. (In his case, the prosecution ruled that he did not commit any crime).

John daw-Szucs also said that there is nothing to regret, and she experienced many paprikázódtak due to the incident, and perhaps became more courageous.

Júlia Kaputa, the HCLU attorney, suggested people in a similar situation on the show: Cooperate with the police, but if they experience rape, they should file a complaint later.

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