His lawyer stated: Csilla Hopp will not go to jail! The | BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics


His lawyer does not agree with the suspicions of Csilla Hopp and his girlfriend. However, according to an independent expert, it is understandable that they are held responsible for the Dávidka Lesi accident.

His lawyer does not agree with the suspicions of Csilla Hopp and his girlfriend. However, according to an independent expert, it is understandable that they are held responsible for the Dávidka Lesi accident.

After eight months, an unexpected turn occurred in little Lesi Dávidka, L.L. In the case of the tragic accident of Junior and Csilla Hopp’s youngest son. The investigating authority suspected that the mother had committed a negligent homicide. Csilla was completely devastated by the news, she did not even want to comment, instead, her lawyer reported on the events: she informed our newspaper that they were living with a complaint and did not agree with the suspicion.
The most surprising thing about the case is that, according to the document, the mother’s girlfriend is also responsible, who, although in fact involved in dramatic events, is not a father or family member.

The mother is suspected of negligent homicide.

“I was also surprised that they suspected my client’s girlfriend.” He is not a father, nor a blood relative, I do not think he has committed a negligent homicide, nor Csilla, explained to our colleague Gábor B. Horváth, the protector of Csilla Hopp, who we also asked about the mental state of his mother and his girlfriend. The lawyer replied succinctly, but has a firm opinion on the legal landscape.

“Obviously it is not easy for my client or girlfriend right now.” They are concerned about the suspicion and the entire procedure, but I am sure that Csilla Hopp will not go to jail, the defender said.
Our document also asked an independent expert about the possibility of sentencing a person without parental rights in such a case.

“It is true that a person who was present at the time of the accident may also be at risk of a minor, because if several adults care for a minor, it is not only the duty of the parents to pay attention, but also of all,” he said. Dr. Flor de Hyross. In such cases, the authority examines the circumstances of the case in detail, discovers and clarifies the facts, so it also examines who was in the care of the child and who was close enough to avoid the accident.
