His angry subordinate may have poisoned the billionaire Chinese game developer


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A large Chinese game development company, Yoozoo Chairman and CEO Lin Qi has passed away and the company has confirmed that its leader may have been poisoned by the police on suspicion.

The 39-year-old billionaire fell ill on December 16. He was hospitalized, but even a few days ago it was known that his condition was stable. On Friday, by comparison, the company said Lin was dead.

Lin qiPhoto: udn / Imaginechina via AFP

Lin was one of the teen titans of the lucrative Chinese toy market, with a fortune valued at a billion dollars. His company has already been able to expand not only in China but also in the international market with the mobile strategy game Game of Thrones: Winter Is Coming.

Yoozoo has also been in the news a lot because he owns the right to film one of the most important science fiction works of recent decades, The Three-Body Problem, written by Cixin Liu. After years of negotiations, the company finally agreed to shoot with American Netflix in September of this year.

Shanghai police first announced Thursday that Lin may have been hospitalized for poisoning. The police suspect a close colleague of the company leader, a man mentioned in the press as Xu.

The Chinese party press, however, described that Xu Yao could be the suspect, who had a serious labor dispute with the director. And Lin wanted to get his uncomfortable subordinate out of the company by reducing his salary.

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