Highway 8 in Veszprém endangers life due to fine rain, accidents are a series


There were several accidents in Veszprém county on Sunday afternoon, a small rain hindering traffic in the county seat area.

Katalin Csizmadiáné Kucsera, shift spokesperson for the Veszprém County Police Headquarters, told MTI: On the main road 8 in the Márkó area, a car collided with a fence, in Hajmáskér four cars collided, and between Veszprém and Várpalota, the vehicles slipped in ditches in several places.In car 77, a car also slid into a ditch in Tótvázsony, and in car 710, two cars collided in the Balatonkenese area, one of which rolled over. the police spokesman said.

In fact, in the Veszprém area, fine rain makes traffic extremely difficult – said Norbert Pécsi, head of the communication department of Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt., in the interest of MTI. Added: Ajka and Veszprém Engineering vehicles are constantly working in the area.

According to information from Norbert Pécsi In four other counties (Fejér, Bács-Kiskun, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Heves), the route manager carries out snow slide removal.
