Here’s the latest coronavirus report: 158 new infections in Hungary


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The 158 new cases mean that the number of cases per day was higher only once, even in April. The number of infections is constantly increasing, especially the last three days have brought a sharp increase.

The spread of the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary is not yet strong, at least in absolute terms. However, a noticeable acceleration means that many infected people transmit the virus to others. That is why the discipline of the population is paramount: avoid mass events and wear a mask in places where it is not possible to keep your distance.

An increase in the number of active cases also indicates the spread of the virus. The rise of the indicator since the beginning of August has really accelerated in recent days.

In relation to the latest data, the government’s coronavirus portal recalls that as of September 1, the conditions for entry from abroad will be hardened again, according to the statutes, foreign citizens cannot enter Hungary, and the Official 14-day home quarantine is mandatory for Hungarian citizens returning from abroad. The responsibilities of parents and educators are paramount in the next start of school; a sick and symptomatic child should not be able to go to school or kindergarten now.

We will continue to avoid places where there are lots of people inside, preferably maintaining a social distance, washing our hands frequently and thoroughly, wearing a mask in stores and on public transport. Young people having fun together are asked not to drink from an ordinary bottle and to take general precautions as well. Anyone who has been ordered to have an official home quarantine for a stay abroad or for any other reason must strictly comply. Anyone with symptoms should not go to community gatherings, friends, family, and other gatherings, but rather stay home and notify their GP by phone.

By adhering to all of this, we can prevent the spread of infection and the introduction of additional restrictive measures.

According to regional data, 100 of the 158 new cases were registered in the central part of the country, in Budapest (70) and the county of Pest (30). However, various strands of the virus’ spread suggest that there were only two counties in the country where no new infection was found yesterday (in Vas and Heves). In the last week, 45% of patients have registered in the capital. In addition, the virus is spreading more strongly in the northeast of the country.

More details coming soon.

Cover image: Getty Images
