Here’s the announcement: Hungarian-born Anthony Blinken nominates US Secretary of State Joe Biden


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Who are the new candidates?

Blinken’s nomination for the position of Secretary of State has been on the platform since his name was already circulating among the high probabilities He’s been a very close ally of Biden in recent days, and has been in recent years. He was also Biden’s foreign policy advisor in the current presidential campaign, and he was also deputy foreign minister in the closing years of the Obama era from 2015 to 2017.

Biden appointed Jake Sullivan as his national security adviser and Linda Thomas-Greenfield as the United States ambassador to the United Nations. Along with them, he nominated Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security and asked former Senator John Kerry and former Democratic presidential candidate for their special presidential climate commissioner.

According to Reuters By nominating Blinken, Biden seeks to reverse or correct the trump card behind the “America’s First” slogan. the United States has left the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian nuclear agreement, the WHO and will clearly seek to reassure European partners (eg NATO) and strengthen relations.

Who is Blinken with a strong connection to Hungary?

Blinken, 58, has a Hungarian father and mother (whose second wife is also Hungarian) and from 1994 to 1997 he was the United States Ambassador to Budapest. As today’s portrait from points out, Blinken’s older couple did a lot for development in Hungary: to facilitate democratization processes after the regime change. In 2015, the CEU Open Society Archive (OSA) received a large donation from them, and for which the archive now bears their grateful name.

So for all that

Blinken has in-depth knowledge of conditions in the Central and Eastern European region and it is also important that in the latter part of Barack Obama’s presidency, 2015-2017, he was already an undersecretary of state.

so this also indicates that you have a fresh and deep knowledge of the area.

As the portal says: it is considered moderate, which can be accepted by Republicans, but we can be sure that American foreign policy faces tremendous changes. Gergely Rajnai from the Center for Equity Policy Analysis spoke with Inforadio today about the same possibility of a major change in foreign policy. Analyst Antony Blinken said he is such an experienced, trustworthy, and unquestionable figure in US foreign policy that “Republicans are highly unlikely to block his appointment,” which he will presumably retain a majority in the Senate after January.

Expected by Blinken The return of traditional post-1990 US foreign policy is expected. Blinken has previously played a very important role in the resolution of Syrian or leadership issues, so he is a supporter of multilateral and multilateral conventions, as well as the expansion of democracy, as well as being an extraordinary mode of rejection against Russia.

What may be interesting, Gergely Rajnai said, was that for most of his career he worked in Europe,

implies reinforcing a policy focused on Europe

For its part, unlike the Trump administration, which was much more concerned with China and the Far East than with the European Union.

However, despite Hungary’s attachment, it is unlikely to determine the Hungarian foreign policy of the United States in everyday life, as the two countries are not the number one partner. But presumably

will name people like those before 2016 who have assumed a strong confrontation with the Orbán government.

However, the extent of this may largely depend on the United States’ relationship with Russia and the European Union, as these are the two factors that determine how US foreign policy will develop in Hungary, the expert noted.

The time has come for US-European cooperation

In addition to the news, the president of the European Council of Heads of State and Government of the European Union, Charles Michel, and the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, and the office of the latter issued a statement today. In it, Michel stressed that the time had come to work together to rebuild a strong transatlantic alliance based on common interests and values.

Charles Michel welcomed Biden’s steadfast commitment to supporting America’s allies and European cooperation. Michel said in a telephone conversation that the European Union is willing to work with the United States to carry out urgent tasks and challenges such as the coronavirus epidemic, economic difficulties, climate change, security or multilateralism.

Time to get together. In a changing world, our partnership will be more important than ever to protect our citizens, restart our economies, stop global warming, and create a safer world. Action by the European Union and the United States will always have a greater impact if they act together

he said.

According to the information, Michel thanked Biden for his support in the implementation of the exit agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom. This agreement preserves peace and stability in Ireland and fully respects the Good Friday agreement for peace on the island of Ireland, they stressed.

Michel finally invited Joe Bident to a meeting of EU councils in Brussels in 2021 to discuss common priorities, the European Council press service added.

Source of cover image: Mike Coppola / Getty Images for the National Committee on American Foreign Policy. Pictured above, left to right, George D. Schwabb, Maurice Sonnenberg, 47th US Vice President Joe Biden, and former Under Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will attend the US Foreign Policy Awards Gala. 2017 on October 30, 2017 in New York City.
