Here’s another military bomb announcement: Hungary will produce rockets and armor


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Michael Humbek, Dynamit Nobel, signed a letter of intent to establish a national joint venture for military manufacturing and product development. Managing Director of Defense (DND) and Gáspár Maróth, Government Commissioner for Defense Developments, the government commissioner’s office told the MTI.

In the first two years, the production of reactive armor (ERA) will be carried out to increase the protection of various combat vehicles. At the same time, the production of components for shoulder-operated armor-piercing weapons (RGW) will gradually begin, within five years, it will culminate in the creation of a fully domestically produced Hungarian product version.

Dynamit Nobel Defense currently manufactures or plans to manufacture four types of shoulder-launched missile weapons, perhaps their best-known product is the Panzerfaust 3 missile grenade launcher. They also manufacture three types of shoulder-launched multipurpose missiles for vehicles, buildings and pedestrians. : RGW 60, 90 and 110 families. In Hungary, more modern weapon components belonging to the RGW family or completely new types are likely to be manufactured.

In the following video, we can also see the RGW 90 in action, a T-72 and a 2Sz3 self-propelled rifle are also victims of the anti-tank weapon:

In addition to anti-tank weapons, the German company also manufactures reactive armor components for tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, a solution that can be found in the Puma combat vehicle, among others.

Puma combat vehicles in an exercise. The components of ERA can be seen well on its sides. Photo: Getty Images

The products of the German military company will be produced at the Arsenal’s Kiskunfélegyháza weapons plant, among others. According to the parties, the assets manufactured in Hungary have a significant export interest.

When building the factory in Kiskunfélegyháza, we also considered opportunities that went beyond the scope of firearms production. As a result, we now partner with an iconic military company like Dynamit Nobel Defense, known for its famous production of armored punches.

– Said the Government Commissioner Gáspár Maróth in relation to the signing of the letter of intent.

Due to the development of the Hungarian Armed Forces, several production investments have been made in Hungary in recent years, the most recent being announced in Zalaegerszeg that Hungary will manufacture Rheinmetall Lynx infantry fighting vehicles. Previously, a small arms factory was established in Kiskunfélegyháza and Airbus will establish a helicopter parts factory in Gyula.

Top image: Panzerfaust with 3 German soldiers. Photo: Getty Images
