Here’s a warning, unusual things may appear in stores due to coronavirus restrictions


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Customers accepted the new opening hours and adapted to it from day one. There were only scattered buyers who tried to buy after the 19-hour close. The understanding and cooperation of customers was crucial in the rapid transition.

In the next period, the period before 19:00 in the shops will be more lively. Due to the risk of epidemic, OKSZ recommends that anyone who can, especially the elderly, buy earlier.

The organization draws attention to

You should not drop off your purchase at the last minute, some stores may restrict entry before 7pm

Stores must close by 7pm at the latest, after which customer service is prohibited and customers cannot stay in the store area by law, they recall.

Some stores may prevent customers from entering 15-20 minutes before 7pm up to the point of sale (unlike previous practice, when it was even possible to enter in the minutes before closing). OKSZ recommends that stores that continue this practice inform the customer in advance with a sign that can be posted at the entrance.

The rules for wearing masks in stores have not changed, so the merchant remains responsible. Stores continue to draw attention to distance. Some stores, both smaller and larger, can regulate the number of buyers in the sales area to avoid a massive presence.

We have written about the restrictive measures that have emerged in recent days and their impact:

Top image: Customer in a supermarket parking lot in Nyíregyháza before the store closes at 7pm on November 11, 2020. In accordance with government protection measures imposed due to the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic From that day on, stores, with the exception of pharmacies and gas stations, can remain open until 7 pm Source: MTI / Attila Balázs
