Here, then, the coronavirus can really be removed: Two infected were found in a crowded refugee camp in Bangladesh.


So far, two people have been confirmed to be infected. Only one of them is Rohingya, who fled Myanmar to Bangladesh, the other is a Bangladeshi who lives in the camp neighborhood. One hundred and forty-one people were evaluated at a camp called Kutupalong in the Cox’s Bazar district, said Kamal Hoseinin, the district’s chief administrative officer.

In southern Bangladesh, many hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees live in camps that are

they are fuller than the most densely populated parts of the world: 60-90 thousand per square kilometer. Because of this, there is a great risk that the epidemic will explode extremely quickly in a camp if it becomes infected.

About 700,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees live in the Kutupalong camp.

As of Thursday, authorities were not aware of any cases in any of the camps. The two involved were taken to solitary confinement, but 2,000 people believed to have approached the infected were also quarantined.

Since August 2017, the army has expelled nearly 750,000 Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar, mostly inhabited by Buddhists.

In Bangladesh, which has a population of just a year and a half but 160 million people, 18,863 were confirmed Thursday to be infected with the coronavirus. So far, 283 people have died in the epidemic. The two southern districts of Cox’s Bazar district have had strict curfew restrictions since April, precisely because of the high population density. Even humanitarian workers cannot visit the camps, only ambulances. National curfews are being extended until May 30 in Bangladesh.

We have been drawing attention for days on the official database that Bangladesh is currently one of the world’s most troubling outbreaks of infection:

Cover image source: Nicolas Economou / NurPhoto via Getty Images
