An army of commentators attack Andi Tóth for not congratulating the winner of the Star in the Star, Ádám Szabó.
Ádám Szabó he won Star in the star 2020 season. TV2 at the end of your program In Andin Tóth proved to be better. It is well known that they have visited before and, to put it mildly, the air between them has been quite chilly. But the respect remained.
Many viewers scolded Andira, saying that she could at least congratulate the winner.. Those who sat in front of the devices, on the other hand, could not fully see the congratulations, the finalists were on stage for a few seconds. Here is the original video: The process can be seen quite well in the replay above, but Ádám Szabó showed it on the community page with the help of a recording of the audience, such as Andi shakes her hand and congratulates the winner.
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star to star
star to star
Here is the video about Andi Tóth and Ádám Szabó, which clarifies everything
An army of commentators attack Andi Tóth for not congratulating the winner of the Star in the Star, Ádám Szabó.
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