Here is the latest news on the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. live briefing for operational staff


Today, a nighttime curfew will be introduced from midnight, between midnight and five in the morning, and nightclubs are also scheduled to close. In the auditorium of cultural events and sporting events, only one in 3 places can be occupied, the police can impose fines ranging from 100,000 to 1 million florins for violating the rule, and the place can be closed for up to one year, operational staff said.

The government declared a state-of-the-art emergency, said Kristóf Gál, a spokesperson for ORFK. Today, the curfew will take effect from midnight, so everyone is forced to stay home and is only allowed to leave their place of residence to work or protect their lives, he added. The curfew lasts until five in the morning, said Kristóf Gál.

In the auditorium of cultural events and sporting events, only one in 3 places can be occupied, the police can impose fines ranging from 100,000 to 1 million florins for violating the rule, and the place can be closed for up to one year, said Kristóf Gál.

To reduce the spread of the epidemic, free parking has come back into effect across the country.

One store was closed for three days.

Police imposed fines at the scene in 39 cases on Tuesday and filed a complaint in 14 cases for failure to comply with protective measures, Kristóf Gál said. The police have dealt with a total of 2,546 cases since September 21. 5,189 official home quarantines have been ordered in the last 24 hours.

The police will carry out their inspection activities with greater force from Monday. Reported that to XX. 5 employees of the district store did not wear masks, so the store was closed for 3 days due to a serious irregularity and a fine was imposed on the spot.

Sad records were broken

Cecília Müller spoke of sad records that were broken in recent days. The youngest person to die was 28 years old. The number of infected is growing exponentially, said the national medical director. The measures taken in the last days are of the utmost importance. These figures are now so significant that the number of people treated at the hospital increases. There are 4871 patients in the hospital.

The burden on the health care system is increasing. Current measures are aimed at keeping hospitals operational, the expert said. The main goal is to keep them infected as little as possible and if they do get infected they can be effectively cured.

The virus is already present in almost all settlements.

According to Cecília Müller, there are almost no settlements where the virus is no longer potentially present. That is why crowded areas should be avoided, the mask should be used correctly, and it should be continuously disinfected. You should not tire of increased rule enforcement.

He also said that the number of confirmed coronavirus infections has increased 1.5 times in a week. Since the beginning of the epidemic, the average age of those infected has gradually increased. At the beginning of the second wave, the age group 20-29 was affected, while by week 44 it had changed to 45.7 years. We see an increase in age almost week by week.

In the last four weeks, a quarter of the new confirmed cases are in the age group 40 to 49 years.

The virus was rarely registered in the age group 1 to 2 years.

By the law of large numbers, the tests are correct, but no one knows how young and healthy they will react to the virus. These rules are very important and this is the only way to avoid exponential charges. Cecília Müller everyone must act seriously.

Regulations have been published

It was published in the Hungarian Gazette announcing the emergency and announced by Viktor Orbán on Tuesday.Regulation on new austerity measures. The details show, among other things, the purpose of staying in public places at night and how to organize cultural and sporting events.

The number of infected people at home continued to risePhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 4219 new Hungarian citizens, with this, the number of infected people identified in Hungary increased to 90,988. Most of the 90 deceased are elderly, chronic patients, which brings the number of victims to 2,063 and 21,232 have already been recovered. The number of active infections is 67,693. 25% of the actively infected, 31% of the victims and 28% of those recovered are from Budapest. 4,871 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 355 of whom are on ventilators.
