Here is the latest news on the epidemic situation in Hungary. live from operational staff briefing


The national medical director, Cecília Müller, said that the best news of the epidemic was that 70,000 vaccines had been received in the morning, which allowed vaccinating another 35,000 health workers. Many of those who work in COVID departments have already been vaccinated. First we started the vaccination in 5 places, with 10,000 doses, the number of vaccination sites will increase to 21 as of today, he said.

He added that the possibility of vaccination by general practitioners will be expanded with another circle, because the number of vaccines (70 thousand) allows it. The number of vaccination sites is published on ​​and And in a few days there will be another extension, will be vaccinated in 25 locations early next year and followed by those who work in social institutions, followed by others.

The national medical director also spoke about the fact that nearly 600,000 people have already signed up to be vaccinated. 462 thousand on the website and 136 thousand retirees by letter. Anyone who has not returned their letter will be able to do so in the future. There is a strict procedure for administering the vaccine. Whoever applies first will receive a questionnaire. This is to see if there are any risks of receiving the vaccine, such as previous vaccination reactions or underlying conditions. Based on these, the vaccine doctor will decide on the administration of the COVID vaccine. In addition, the person must sign a paper indicating that they want to be vaccinated.

Zoltán Bálint, a nurse at the Institute of Infectious Diseases at the Gyula Kenézy University Hospital of the University of Debrecen, will receive the coronavirus vaccine at the institute’s vaccination point on December 27, 2020.Source: MTI / Zsolt Czeglédi

Cecília Müller pointed out that there is no vaccine that protects 100%, but nevertheless recommends the administration of the Covid vaccine. Two vaccines provide immunity, the second must be given 21 days after the first vaccination. Almost complete protection develops 1 week after the second administration.

In the opinion of the national medical director there is no need to fear vaccination. The current vaccination has a precedent because a lot of research was done at the time of the SARS1 and MERS epidemics, so it is not true that the COVID vaccine has now been developed from scratch. He then thanked Katalin Karikó from Hungary, who participated in the development of the vaccine. All vaccines have side effects, but they are mild, eg. Eg muscle pain, redness and go away on their own. Allergic reactions are very rare, but vaccines are also prepared for this, this can be treated locally. 3,489 people were vaccinated in the first 4 days.

Cecília Müller thanked the health workers who carried out the vaccination. He added that after the vaccination, you have to stay in the vaccination center for 15 minutes, then the vaccinated person will receive a card about the vaccination, which contains their personal information and when to register for the second vaccination.

Then the national chief physician presented the daily data. According to the morning data, a new type of coronavirus infection was detected in 1972 people in the last 24 hours, increasing the number of infections identified in Hungary to 319,543. 137, mostly elderly, chronic patients died, bringing the death toll to 9,429.

The number of people cured is also constantly growing, currently 144,234,

Cecília Müller also spoke about the need to follow hygiene rules for longer. The good news is that the number of active infections is decreasing, while 425 are on respirators and 6155 are in hospital.

In Debrecen and Kaposvár, the hereditary material of the virus in sewage increased, in Győr it decreased.

Robert Kiss, deputy director of the operations staff guard center, said 226 people had been prosecuted for ignoring the mask rule. 92 people were warned, 41 were fined on the spot and 61 were denounced for violations.

A store was closed yesterday for breaking the rules, bringing the total to 105. In the past 24 hours, 324 people have violated curfew, two for walking dogs. A total of 18,705 people have already been attended.

Answering questions, Róbert Kiss said that anyone who comes home from Germany will also end up in the official home, regardless of whether a virus mutation has also appeared in Germany.

Cecília Müller stated that the average age of the dead is 76 years, only 3 percent found no concomitant disease.

Regarding the arrival of the Russian vaccine, he emphasized, Russian vaccines are stored in the national vaccination center, they are being tested.

Also in response to a question about a new mutation released in the UK, he said that it was no more dangerous than what had been observed so far, the problem was that it spreads twice as fast as the known coronavirus, which is why it is transmitted mainly by young people but does not cause complications more serious than the original virus. So far, no new type of mutation has been found in Hungary, so the British are not present.

The national medical director declared that there is no influenza epidemic in Hungary. This is mainly due to the fact that many have been vaccinated against the flu and more will be available starting in January.

Anaphylaxis is necessary in all vaccination centers, and this has been the case until now, said Cecília Müller.
