Here is the decree: the exit restriction remains not only in Budapest, but throughout Pest county


On the night of Thursday to Friday, a package of decrees was published in the Hungarian Gazette, containing the changes related to the curfew restrictions previously announced by the Prime Minister.

According to the first package of regulations:

  • Mayors may also tighten the local curfew on long weekends.
  • The previously announced curfew will be lifted everywhere except in Budapest and Pest counties. This revealed that the area mentioned above as Budapest and the surrounding area applies to all of Pest County. The old rules remain here.

With the exception of Pest County and Budapest, other rules take effect:

  • One is that everyone should keep a distance of one and a half meters from other people, except those with whom they live in a home.
  • The other is that everyone across the country must wear a mask, scarf, or shawl to cover their nose and mouth in stores and on public transportation.
  • By maintaining a distance of one and a half meters, public areas and parks will be accessible.
  • The senior shopping lane remains between nine in the morning and noon. During this period, only people over the age of 65 can visit supermarkets, drug stores, pharmacies, pharmacies, and health care stores.
  • It is up to local government everywhere to decide when people over 65 can go to markets. However, it is mandatory to establish a separate time zone for the elderly. Therefore, this has not changed compared to the previous rules either.
  • All stores can be opened and visited by customers.
  • The restaurant terraces, cafes, patisseries and other restaurants can be opened, and guests can enjoy their food and drink here.
  • The beaches and open-air baths will be open and open to the public.
  • As are zoos and open-air museums.
  • The site operator will ensure that there is a distance of 1.5 meters at these locations as well. In restaurants, the protective distance within a table does not matter, it only applies to table companies.
  • From the entry into force of the Decree until September 1, 2020, the operator of the catering stores will not have to pay the public land use fee for the terrace that operates in the public area.
  • Marriages, religious events and funerals can be celebrated, but the meter and a half must also be celebrated here.
  • Universities can open if the rector so decides. The bedrooms, on the other hand, remain closed.
  • The regulation will take effect on May 4 and will run from May 18 until the end of the emergency.
  • If the rules of the decree are violated, it is considered a violation of the rules, in which case the minimum amount of the fine is five thousand forints and the highest amount is one hundred and fifty thousand forints. An exception is the provision of a distance of one and a half meters in restaurants, because the upper limit here is HUF 500,000.

Special rules have been made for sporting events.

  • Sports events can be held across the country, behind closed doors.
  • Workouts can also be done.
  • The two previous provisions apply even if the Access Restrictions Regulation establishes otherwise.
  • Horse racing is also a sporting event.

Among the health rules is that now it is not only possible to provide dental care in an emergency, but also to reorganize organized and specific public health exams.
