Here are the sms sent to the 74,000 Hungarians asking for vaccinations


Cecília Müller announced at a press conference of the operative tribe on Wednesday that 74,000 chronic patients will be vaccinated over the weekend with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Those vaccinated will receive an SMS message about the vaccination, which will appear as a kind of “caller”.

The text of the vaccine was sent to us by a reader, it looks like this:

“Dear registered vaccine!

It is indicated that the coronavirus vaccination is administered on the / date / time / at / site / vaccination number. Vaccination is done with AstraZeneca. Present yourself exactly at the vaccination point and, if you can, bring the completed and printed declaration of consent, which you can download from the ​​website. If you cannot show up at the appointed time, you can only get vaccinated later.

Greetings: Vaccine Information “

We edit the exact date and location of the message.

Cover image: Getty Images
