Here are the exact details on the fit of the mask.


As of Monday, November 2, the use of masks will be more mandatory. They extend to places of hospitality and entertainment. The mask can only be removed by eating food and drink. Inspections can also be carried out by the police, according to the Hungarian Gazette.

§ 1. (1) Decree 431/2020 on the protection measures of the epidemiological preparation period. (IX. 18.) Government Decree (hereinafter: R.)
Section 1 (1) (b) and (c) is replaced by the following provision:
(All are required, except one under six years old)
“(B) when you shop in a store or work in a store,
(c) – in the area of ​​the shopping center, except for offices, sports facilities and factory premises “, [orvosi maszkot, munkavédelmi maszkot, illetve textil vagy más anyagból készült maszkot (a továbbiakban együtt: maszk) olyan módon viselni, hogy az az orrot és a szájat folyamatosan elfedje.]

(2) The following points l) and m) are added to Section 1 (1) of R .:
(All are required, except one under six years old)
“L) at the location of a musical or dance event, as defined in Section 6 (3) – (5) -,
m) in a catering company according to the Government Decree on the conditions for carrying out commercial activities (hereinafter: catering company)
mb) as a guest, as defined in Section 7 (3) and (4) – “
[orvosi maszkot, munkavédelmi maszkot, illetve textil vagy más anyagból készült maszkot (a továbbiakban együtt: maszk) olyan módon viselni, hogy az az orrot és a szájat folyamatosan elfedje.]

(3) The following paragraphs (5) and (6) are added to Section 1 of R.
‘(5) In a store where catering is also carried out as a complementary activity, it will not be necessary to wear the mask during the period of consumption of the food and drinks bought there.

(6) If the hospitality activities are also carried out in a place or area in accordance with Section 1 (1) (d) – (g) and at the place of a sporting event (hereinafter, collectively: place ), the place It is not necessary to use the mask while consuming the food and drinks bought there. “

Section 2 (1) Section 3 (1) of R. is replaced by the following provision:
“1) If, in the case of Section 1 (1) (b), (e), (l) and (m), the commercial authority, during an inspection or on the basis of a notification to the police, ( 6) or Section 7 (5) is aware of a breach of an obligation,
a) use a warning,
b) impose a fine of between HUF 100,000 and HUF 1,000,000, or
(c) temporarily close the store or premises for a period of at least one day and a maximum of one year. “

(2) The following paragraph 1a is added to Section R 3:
“1 bis. The commercial authority may jointly impose the sanction referred to in letters b) and c) of section 1.”

(3) The following subsection (4) is added to Section R 3:
“4. If the operator has not taken, or has only partially taken, the necessary measures to remedy the illegal situation mentioned in section 3, the commercial authority, applying the legal consequences established in section 1, will take the necessary legal actions. measures to restore the situation. “

§ 3 R. is replaced by the following 1 / A. The following subheading is added:
„1 / A. Designation of the police as a commercial authority
3 / A. § ​​The Government also designates the police as a commercial authority
a) conduct an inspection in accordance with Section 2 (5) (b), or
b) the application of legal consequences pursuant to Section 3 (1)
for the purpose of

§ 4 The following paragraphs (3) – (6) are added to § 6 of R .:
“(3) At the location of an occasional or regular public event, with the exception of paragraphs (4) and (5), everyone is required to wear a mask in the manner specified in Section 1 (1).

(4) If food or drink is served at the venue of an occasional or regular public event, it is not necessary to wear the mask in the public event room designed to serve food or drink, only during the consumption of the food or drink.

(5) If a music service is provided through a live performance at the event, the artist does not have to wear a mask.

(6) The person who does not wear the mask at the request of the event organizer or the event venue operator, or an employee or agent of the event organizer or the event venue operator in the manner specified in Section 1 (1 ), the event venue operator must exclude him from the visit and ensure that this person leaves the event venue. “

§ 5 The following paragraphs (3) to (5) are added to § 7 of R:
“(3) A person staying as a guest in a catering shop, with the exception of paragraph (4), is obliged to
Use a mask as specified in paragraph 1.
(4) A person who is staying as a guest in a catering shop
(a) sit at a table in a caterer, or
b) If the food or drink purchased from the catering store can be consumed not only sitting at a table, you are not obliged to wear the mask only during the period of consumption of the food or drink.

(5) The person who does not wear the mask at the request of the catering store operator or the employee of the catering store operator in the manner specified in Section 1 (1) will be excluded from the operator’s visit and must ensure that this person: leaves the restaurant business. “

6. § Az R.
a) in Section 2 (5) (b) and Section 2 (6) (b), the words “b), c) and e) are replaced by the words” b), c), e),
(l) and (m) “
b) in Section 9, the words “Section 6 (2), Section 7 (1)” shall be replaced by the words “Section 6 (2), (3) and (6),
Section 7 (1), (3) and (5) “
§ 7 This Decree will enter into force on November 2, 2020.
