Hell of two or three difficult Christmas weeks


Budapest survived the first and second waves of the coronavirus epidemic, and this is largely due to the cooperation of the people of the capital, Mayor Gergely Karácsony said at the Covid 2021 opposition investigation committee meeting on Friday. .

The “courageous and progressive steps and inclusive communication” of the capital municipality may have contributed to the demonstrable high level of discipline in epidemiological measures on the part of the people of Budapest, the mayor said, according to the MTI. Christmas stressed that the capital city municipality had taken all epidemiological measures before the government. He cited as examples measures to protect social institutions, rules for wearing masks and a testing program.

According to mobility reports compiled by Google, it can be seen that the number of personal meetings in Budapest decreased more than the national average, and according to the Budapest Transport Center, the use of masks was 96-99 percent in vehicles public transport of the capital. and the Budapest Municipal Police Department. Board staff had to issue warnings an average of forty times a day for violating mask wearing rules.

Speaking of coronavirus mortality data per 100,000 inhabitants, he said that Budapest suffered this type of loss below the national average. The relatively good numbers can be largely explained by the availability of the health care system, he added.
According to Gergely Karácsony, we must be prepared for the fact that the country is facing the third wave of the epidemic, and the data shows that the next two or three weeks will really be “terribly difficult”.

The mayor also said at the meeting that if you follow Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s words to measure the effectiveness of the defense in terms of the number of lives saved, then “unfortunately this defense has failed.”

Defense failed

According to official statistics, Hungary is among the top 10-15 countries in the world where the majority of people died from the coronavirus in proportion to the population, he added.

The mayor also stressed that partnership, cooperation and trust would be needed for effective advocacy. But today “painfully missing” in the relationship between local governments and the government, he said.

Gergely Karácsony also spoke about the fact that Eurostat’s excess mortality data shows that probably many more people died in relation to the coronavirus than official data shows.

They didn’t sleep during the summer

Speaking of nursing homes, the mayor said that the number of deaths in this type of institutions maintained by the capital is well below the national average. This could have been because the capital’s municipality “did not sleep during the summer,” but introduced a very strict epidemiological protocol by providing a significant additional source, he emphasized.

Speaking about the implementation of the vaccination plan, Gergely Karácsony said that a very constructive cooperation has developed between the government and the capital on a professional level. The metropolitan government has developed a vaccination plan to “go ahead” with the success of the vaccination program, he said, then added that they appear to be working together to participate in mass vaccination.

The mayor also spoke that the problems caused by the epidemic and the crisis must be remedied in such a way that they cannot count on the help of the government, in fact, the government is fighting with the local governments with one hand and taking the opportunity to “Shorten” local governments.

Gergely Karácsony reported that the coronavirus epidemic meant a loss of revenue of 52 billion HUF for the capital last year, mainly due to the dramatic decrease in revenue from public transport tickets and the loss of cultural and tourist income. The economic and social crisis amounts to less than HUF 31 billion, and the government’s austerity amounts to less than HUF 15.8 billion. That’s minus $ 94.7 billion last year.

Last year, four Chain Bridge renovations took money away

“Last year, four renovations of money were needed for the Chain Bridge in operation,” said Gergely Karácsony, adding that it is not certain that the municipality of the capital can maintain its financial viability until the end of the year.

He stressed that they will not degrade the quality of public services during an epidemic because “the government has gone crazy.” “Then we would rather die standing up and say, let the bankruptcy commissioner come and Viktor Orbán look into the eyes of the people of Budapest what he did with this city,” said Gergely Karácsony, noting that many rationalization measures have been taken and six utility companies were merged into one company.

The mayor said that if the attitude of the government, or the government itself, does not change in 2022, this city will go bankrupt. According to him, it is still better than fulfilling the role assigned to them, which is austerity and that is why there are crowds on the buses in the midst of the epidemic.

Right in the middle of the epidemic and the economic crisis, in 2021, the capital will contribute net to the budget, with more than 6,000 million HUF.

Gergely Karácsony also announced that an integrated urban development strategy will soon be presented to the public, which will also focus on the problems caused by the epidemic.
