He went to a doctor because of Htfjs, it turned out he had a chrome kidney.


Due to his cold, a Brazilian man went to see a doctor and a CT scan revealed that he had a chrome kidney.

The case of 38 kidney patients in São Paul was reported in the medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). According to the computed tomography scan, the fringes had a disc, much more to the detriment of doctors than it had a chrome kidney: the left kidney was a completely normal structure, and the two right kidneys were sacred together.

We have never been like this before. “ – said the patient’s doctor, surprised, to the scientific portal of IFL Science. Renato Foresto.

The unusual condition does not affect men’s health based on tests, and kidney function has also been shown to be completely normal. Only the disc had to be treated.

With computed tomographyForrs: The New England Journal of Medicine

The additional kidney is the result of a disorder of fetal development. The condition known to the kidneys mentioned above can be considered relatively rare, only 100 of these cases have been reported by drugs under the previous word. However, since the extra kidney does not cause many complaints, many cases can go unnoticed.
