He was fined another ten million florins in VIII. the district government is the public procurement authority


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

The local government of Józsefváros fined the local government of Józsefváros 10 million florins for the announced public procurement procedure for public catering, which according to the authority is illegal, writes MTI. The authority’s justification is that the local government chaired by András Pikó violated the principles of equal opportunities in the selection of the district’s restoration company, because it restrictively made the restoration company a condition for winning public procurement.

In addition to the fine, the authority also annulled the invitation to tender, the public procurement documentation, and the decisions of the contracting authority, so the municipality cannot yet enter into a contract to carry out district restoration tasks.

András Pikó commented on the authority’s decision on his Facebook page. He writes that the previous catering contract was terminated because “In 2015, Fidesz, under the leadership of Máté Kocsis, entered into a contract that ultimately seriously damaged the financial interests of the local government, the announcement of which severely restricted competition in the interests of a partner company. created for him to keep raising prices. In 2019, already during the municipal electoral campaign, Fidesz, led by Sára Botond, modified this contract for an indefinite period in violation of the law.”.

According to the mayor, “The events of recent months raise the suspicion that the decisions of the Public Procurement Arbitration Committee (KDB), in which it does not refute the illegality of the previous contract and to the detriment of our municipality, were at the service of the political contracting authority.”.

It added that its clause regarding possession of the transport vehicle had not been rejected by the authority when the tender was verified.

This was the second public procurement procedure carried out by the Public Procurement Authority: in July, the district was fined HUF 50 million because András Pikó decided in its own right at the time of the emergency, and the former service provider catering company Klassz Menza Kft. It was owned by a foreign-owned Eurest restaurant operator. Ltd. was temporarily replaced until a new tender was held.

An interesting connection is that previously the Kispest City Council received a fine of 100 million precisely because it signed a contract without competition with a company whose subcontractor was Klassz Menza Kft. Behind the company is the same circle of owners, about which the G7 wrote in a public restoration contest in Kőbánya, similar to Kispest, which can be associated with Lőrinc Mészáros.

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