He turned to the president of the EP because of the threat of the Fidesz-KDNP Bocskor


2020.12.13. 19:10

The chairman of the board, David Sassoli, was contacted about the fact that Fidesz MEP Andrea Bocskor had been added to the website of the Ukrainian nationalist organization Mirotvorec (Builder of Peace), which lists the “enemies of Ukraine “.

In a statement to the MTI on Sunday, the group expressed outrage and concern. Andrea Bocskor for his open and harsh threat.

According to the announcement, Tamás Deutsch, the group’s leader, also drew the attention of President Sassoli to the fact that

As a Hungarian from Transcarpathia, Andrea Bocskor also represents Hungarian minorities living in Ukraine and often speaks about the legal restrictions that affect them.

He mentioned, by way of example, that the deputy described the recent case of political pressure and intimidation against minority organizations as Security Service of Ukraine (SZBU) citing pre-established reasons, he launched harsh attacks on Hungarian Transcarpathian Cultural Association (KMKSZ) and its leader and other Hungarian organizations in Transcarpathia.

The representatives of the delegation requested it David sassolitexpress solidarity with the MEP in question on behalf of the EP and call on the Ukrainian authorities to avoid all threats, incitement and hatred against MEPs and members of the Hungarian community in Ukraine.
