He told a client to wear a mask so he could shoot the security guard in Michigan to death.


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It surprised the public in the American city of Flint in Michigan that a security guard was killed while working on Friday. Calvin Munerlyn, of eight children, worked at a store called Family Dollar, where the attack hit him.

And authorities confirmed Monday what had been circulating at local community sites for days: Nor did they rule out the possibility that a dispute over wearing a mask had led to the tragedy.

Michigan State Governor Gretchen Whitmer has also established that you can only enter a closed public space with a face mask.

According to the Washington Post, police are investigating two suspects and, according to available data, are also investigating why Munerlyn told a woman who was going to the store to wear a mask when the woman’s two acquaintances appeared. shortly after. and the guard was shot.

The two men have fled the scene, they are still being sought, but the woman is in police custody.

Meanwhile, in the city, a vigil was held for the memory of the man, and a community fundraiser raised $ 12,000 for the family.

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