He renounces the practically complete management of SZFE


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

László Upor and Eszter NovákPhoto: botost / 444.hu

The University of Theater and Cinema held a long press conference this Monday afternoon, the last act of which was the resignation of the university leadership.

László Upor, who holds the functions of rector, also resigned, as well as the rector of Eszter Novák and Gábor Németh, and two of the directors of the three institutes, Gábor Balázs of cinema and László Bagossy of theater. The third, the director of the theoretical institute, Máté Gáspár, is not only because he resigned earlier. In addition to them, the newly elected Senate members are also resigning, “more work can only be envisioned if the Senate regains the powers of at least the state university senates.”

The instructors and students seated on stage and in the auditorium rose to their feet and applauded the announcement.

“The management was unfortunately forced to take decisive action. Since he has been deprived of all significant and fundamental powers, since he could maintain the appearance of independent leadership at the cost of uncompromising commitments, since the life of the university is regulated by overheads, he is forced to give up those leadership positions, ”said László Upor. . “Since it is not possible to cooperate with an appointed board of directors without real negotiation over it, a board that accompanied its admission with a systematic denigration of the university’s traditions and current students, faculty, educational standards, a board that signed the university in advance and without any consultation. basic documents that seriously undermine their autonomy, there was no other option. “

University citizens on stage at the press conferencePhoto: botost / 444.hu

Upor said those who have just resigned will not assume leadership roles until the self-determination of the university is restored.

Eszter Novák announced that the multitude of professors and students of the SZFE will present a constitutional complaint for the violation of the autonomy of the university.

As a responsible educator, they will not leave their students alone for as long as possible, because they believe that their main task and responsibility is to teach and trust the young talents they are entrusted with, he said at the press conference.

On Friday, it was revealed that the board of directors headed by Attila Vidnyánszky had removed all important powers from the Senate.

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