He launched an investigation into the case of the rector of Szeged, who was operating a virus, and was fired.


László Rovo, the rector of the University of Szeged sacked the university’s psychiatry professor with immediate effect on Monday, Horváth Szatmárt.

The first to be fired Kunetz Zsombor health expert reported on his Facebook page. According to Kunetz, the dismissal of Szatmár Horváth is related to the fact that the county ethics committee of the Hungarian Medical Chamber decided under his chairmanship to open an investigation against Rovo after it was suspected that he had operated on a coronavirus.

In March, László Rovó took part in a private trip through the southern part of Tyrol, near Sölden. The Austrian ski paradise was one of the first European settlements to be closed due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus epidemic and asked all tourists who had been there before to quarantine themselves. The rector of the University of Szeged did not do this, he went to work and even operated before it turned out that he was infected with a coronavirus.

The rector emphasized that he had not experienced any signs of the virus as a doctor, and it could not be proven that it had entered his body abroad, it was possible that he was infected in Szeged and, as an otolaryngologist, he was often associated with infections of the upper respiratory tract.

Kunetz also wrote that Rovo

He promised to ask his staff, who work in the Csongrád County Ethics Committee of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, how an ethical investigation could be launched against him because he went to the operating room instead of quarantine after skiing in South Tyrol.

In an interview with Hír Tv in June, Rovo did consider questioning his subordinates about the opening of the investigation, since the procedure showed that he had not endangered or infected anyone. It was strange that his subordinates did not ask him about the circumstances of the case instead of initiating an investigation. In the interview, he noted that the attacks may be due to the fact that before the municipal elections, the city leader László Botka supported their pro-government challenge. And although he could consider the case closed as private, he could not allow uncertainty to be created around the University of Szeged, so he launched an investigation that found “criminals” and denounced that his personal health data could be misused, he said Rovo.

By the way, the Csongrád board headed by Szatmár Horváth, although it decided that the chamber should take up the case, did not initiate the investigation due to a conflict of interest, but handed it over to the Győr ethics committee, which issued an acquittal. .

Szatmár Horváth confirmed the fact of the termination to 24.hu, but did not comment on the details.

Featured image: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd
