He can breathe without the help of Navalny, who is texting the world on Instagram.


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For the first time since his poisoning he directly gave a sign of life to Alexei Navalny, the best-known Russian opposition politician. Navalny uploaded a photo to his Instagram and in the text next to him he also said that he could now breathe without help.

Photo: Instagram

The Russian politician was poisoned last month, after which he fell into a coma. Finally, with the support of the German government, a German NGO brought her from Russia and she is currently recovering in Berlin. According to German, Swedish and French laboratories, Novicok, a nerve poison favored by the Russian secret service, was also used against Navalny, and German newspapers had previously written that the German government was convinced that the Russian secret services wanted to kill Navalny. , and Due to suspicion, not only the United States, but even the V4s, now demand an investigation.

In his shared post on Tuesday, he can be seen in the company of Navalny’s wife and two children, and the 44-year-old politician writes that he can hardly do anything, but yesterday he was able to breathe without the aid of a machine.

According to the Charité Hospital in Berlin, the condition of Navalny, who was in a coma when he was deported from Russia, is improving rapidly.

Moscow: it wasn’t us

Russia’s entire rookie arsenal has been destroyed in accordance with the procedures of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and documented, Sergei Nariskin, director of Russia’s External Intelligence Service (SZVR), told reporters in Moscow. on Tuesday. “Therefore, to say that combat toxins are still produced on the territory of Russia, or that old stocks of them are stored, of course, is misinformation” – Nariskin narrated.

Nariskin reiterated that Russian doctors in Omsk thoroughly examined, with the most up-to-date equipment, Navalny, who had flown out of Russia without poison in his body.

“In fact, there were no toxic substances in Alexei Navalny’s organization at the time he took off from Russia. Of course, we have a lot of questions about this on the German side,” he said.

He recalled that the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office had twice requested information from the German authorities on August 27 (August 27 and September 14) in the Navalny case.

Vyacheslav Vologyin, Speaker of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament, told Rosiah 24 news television that the Navalny affair was a “provocation” by US-led Western countries that could become an excuse for new sanctions that halt development. From Russia. In his view, the Skripal case, the poisoning of Sergei Skripal by a Russian military intelligence colonel and his daughter in England in 2018, was equally a provocation.

He drew attention to the fact that the Navalny affair was at the height of events in Belarus, in his opinion, because it was important for the West to keep Russia away from its neighbor while interfering in its internal affairs there as it did in Ukraine. . “It’s not going to work for them,” Vologyin said. (via Moscow Times, MTI)

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