He built houses with money taken from women forced into prostitution.


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The Szeged Department of the International Crime Division of the National Emergency Police Investigation Office (KR NNI) is investigating 52-year-old residents of Szeged O. István O. and 29-year-old residents of Siófok. based on a well-founded suspicion of human trafficking and other crimes, police said on their website.

The Szeged man had a good relationship with several women, then persuaded them to work as prostitutes and asked for a share of their income. István O. provided an adequate place to receive guests and determined the amount of the daily amount earned by women, thus ensuring their own regular income. The man kept one of the women in a position of complete dependency with mental coercion and physical threat.

In April 2018, he was taken to brothels in Austria and later in Germany, where he took some or all of his earnings from the woman.

The Siófok man has worked as a prostitute since 2017 in Budapest, as well as in Austria and Germany. He threatened, abused, intimidated him by killing his life. He determined for her where, for how long, to work, and how much income he would get from sex service. He arranged for the victim to be deported, or he himself transported the woman to foreign brothels, reported it daily and took the proceeds of prostitution from her. From this, on the one hand, Tamás L. maintained his own lifestyle and, on the other hand, laundered the money obtained through sin through his construction business, which was his property: he built real estate to from him. According to the investigation, there was a time when the man threatened with a knife and even cut the woman who needed medical attention for it.

Investigators from the KR NNI Szeged Department beat the two men at dawn for Szeged and Siófok on May 11, 2020, in the context of coordinated action with the help of KR Deployment Support Department staff. Police confiscated a 3 million HUF car from István O., while 4.4 million HUF worth of cash and gold jewelry and a 3 million HUF passenger car were confiscated from Tamás L., as well such as the seizure of three properties worth almost 200 million HUF.

Investigators interrogated István O. for trafficking in human beings and fences, while Tamás L. was interrogated as a suspect in human trafficking and money laundering. The Szeged Branch of the National Emergency Police Investigation Office arrested both men and initiated their arrest.

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