Hasohji’s killers escaped the death penalty


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Eight people have been convicted in a Saudi court for the 2018 murder of opposition journalist Jamal Hasogyi, Euronews writes. Contrary to the fact that the first instance verdict included five more death sentences, five perpetrators were now sentenced to twenty to twenty years, one to ten and two more to seven to seven years in prison. Saudi state media did not release the names of any of the convicts.

Hasogdzsi 2014-IPhoto: MOHAMMED AL-SHAIKH / AFP

A critic of the Saudi royal family, a 60-year-old journalist who has been published in several Western newspapers, was killed by a death squad at the Consulate General of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. Hasogji was strangled, his body dismembered and then disappeared. The Saudi government first denied their involvement, and eventually Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman was forced to admit responsibility for the assassination. It is true that he never admitted that the murder was ordered in his name.

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