Half of Italy has been locked up and a very rare mutant has also been identified in Lombardy.


Government Advisory Board, Scientific Technical Committee of Health Experts urged the country to shut down completely and as soon as possible due to the strong spread of variants of the virus.

Health Minister Roberto Speranza has said that he expects the epidemic curve to curve upward, which could lead to the closure of more provinces, but this will be decided in light of the day-to-day situation. He stressed that the British virus mutation is more prevalent in the country, but the Brazilian, South African and Nigerian variants are also present.

He confirmed that a rare viral mutation has been identified in the city of Varese, Lombardy, of which so far only one case has been recorded in the world, namely Thailand.

Starting Monday, the Campania, Basilicata and Molise regions will be placed in the so-called red zone, that is, a completely closed area. where the residence can also be left only with permission. Several cities are also under quarantine, including Bologna and Modena.

Orange, a moderately dangerous region It is an autonomous region of Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Piedmont, Umbria, Tuscany, and Bolzano and Trento. In the latter, it is forbidden to leave the cities and settlements, hospitality only works to go, schools move to distance education.

Yellow less dangerous area Liguria, Lazio, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily and the Aosta Valley remained. For a week, there have been minimal restrictions in the white zone of the island of Sardinia, where arrivals are quickly tested starting on Monday.

As of Monday, nearly 73 percent of students are returning to distance education. Meanwhile, the number of patients treated in hospitals and intensive care units is constantly increasing. The death toll reached 99,785 on Sunday night. The number of patients with Covid-19 exceeded three million. Last year, on March 8, the province of Lombardy, of ten million inhabitants, considered a focal point, was closed for the first time, and then, on March 10, the entire country.

According to the Ministry of Health So far 5.3 million have been vaccinated, of which 1.6 million have already received the second vaccine. A third mass vaccination station was opened in Rome at Termini station in the city center.

We are ready for up to 100,000 vaccines a day, now we just need enough vaccine

said Nicola Zingaretti, president of the Lazio province.

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