Gyurcsány’s party was terribly opposed to vaccines before the parliamentary session


The Democratic Coalition (DK) is campaigning against vaccination in an amazing way. Gergely Arató, the party’s deputy faction leader and board member, said in a video message posted before the start of the parliamentary session on the extension of the emergency on Monday that they want to push the Chinese vaccine into the people. The Gyurcsány party tries a rather surprising lie: experts consider Sinopharm to be safe and effective. Use it in other European countries, Le Figaro wrote in an editorial about France that is also going to turn to the Chinese vaccine. However, as is well known, Harvest had previously reduced the death toll.

Parliament will meet Monday where parliamentarians will discuss a bill to extend the emergency. Long before the vote, leftist parties indicated that they did not support the motion. This was not the first time they tried to obstruct the defense, it was enough to just think about the facts related to the coronavirus law introduced last spring. However, the Ferenc Gyurcsány went even further: not only were they unwilling to defend the proposal made to protect the life of the Hungarian people, but they continued their anti-vaccination campaign better than before.

They are trying to create uncertainty

The Democratic Coalition said on January 25 that it would present a bill for the free choice of vaccines. “We are presenting a bill so that everyone can decide for themselves which vaccine to request. No one can be required to have a vaccine not authorized by the EU.” he declared Gergely Arató. This is also strange on the part of The Harvest, having spoken a few months before that “sadly the country is not bad for the dead either.”

A leftist politician with fewer deaths reiterated the previous one before today’s session: in his video message, he pointed out that the DK had “presented a bill to amend the law to guarantee everyone free choice of the vaccine.” But the starting point is a lie: the government has said many times that everyone can choose the vaccines they trust. If someone receives a vaccine that you do not like, you should report it to the authorities and you will be notified when the vaccine you prefer is available. In addition, they also have the option of getting vaccinated or not, since vaccination is voluntary.

In other words, it is a transparent lie, the sole purpose of which is to maintain the difficult health situation, not to outperform other EU countries in terms of vaccinations, although it is already well above the EU average in terms of vaccinations. , and not having a competitive advantage.

Gyurcsány politicians continue to obstruct the common defense against the epidemicSource: MTI / Tibor Illyés

Of course, this is not necessarily important for Gyurcsánys, but rather they are trying to create an anti-vaccine mood. Regarding the Sinopharm vaccine, Gergely Arató stated that they wanted to inject it into people.

This is quite shocking when, due to new variants of the virus, the number of daily cases began to rise again. This is the third wave.

Not to mention that the Chinese vaccine is considered reliable and safe by experts, in fact, the manufacturer has indicated a high efficacy of 79 percent in the formulation. As previously reported, Sinopharm is being vaccinated in more and more countries. And today’s press release from operational staff stressed that it could provide more lasting protection against coronavirus because it contains an inactivated virus.

However, the facts do not disturb the Democratic Coalition. Not by accident.

Left conscious action

Since the beginning of the epidemic, the left parties have consciously tried to prevent the common defense by adapting the media to the current situation. Because getting the correct level of vaccination is now more important than anything else, they are now trying to create uncertainty around vaccinations. They assume that the more dead they get, the sicker they get, the better for them.

Péter Krekó, CEO of Political Capital, put it more clearly when he said that “if the will of the people to get vaccinated is undermined, (Orbán) must bear the political consequences.” That is, to maintain the epidemic situation as long as possible to see if the left benefits …

Perceived by leftist politicians, politicians began to politicize throughout the earlier strategy after the vaccine became available. In this article we have collected how, from Ferenc Gyurcsány to Péter Jakab to Tímea Szabó, leftist politicians have attacked various vaccines in recent weeks.
