György Cserhalmi lives in a small town – That’s why the 72-year-old actor retired – Hungarian star


György Cserhalmi retiring to his home in Kékkút, he lives alone. Award-winning actor Béla Kossuth y Balázs, named Actor of the Nation, also spends his days in the village of 60 inhabitants in the Káli basin, instead of the capital, to minimize the risk of infection.

The 72-year-old star has had to undergo surgery several times in recent years, so it’s important to pay special attention to her health during a pandemic. Sarah also keeps in touch with her daughter and two grandchildren by phone.

György Cserhalmi lives in a small town

In the spring of 2017, there were serious problems first with the knee and then with the spine, the operations were successful, but rehabilitation was needed. These were followed by pancreatic surgery and then the gallbladder, bile duct and horseshoe intestine were removed. THE Best magazine He said his family also lived in the intensive care unit.

“There are two names, Gazsi and Lenke, I could do anything for them.” It was also at the hospital. One bite for Gazsi, one for Lenke, a third for Sari. He faced every day that he could have died any day. Which is a miracle for me, it is part of the daily life of doctors and nurses. As for me, rebirth is a duty to them and they swore to it.

– I went from 69 pounds to 86. So it is not the soul that comes to thank me, as they say, but it sucks me.

In a blue fountain in good weather outdoors, put and shop around the house, enjoy the sun on a bench, cook for yourself, and write every day for at least three hours. Several renowned publishers have already applied to publish, but Cserhalmi, while writing with literary demands, does not consider himself a writer.

“I want to leave something here for Sari, my daughter, if she has to go forever.” There are things that have never arisen between us. Or I just think we haven’t talked about it enough. I want to save something from my past, my memories. I am investigating in my head what it was. Time to write down the important things. Even verbally, they have come face to face.

In February 2020, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Hungarian Film Academy in Pest Vigadó.

In February 2020, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Hungarian Film Academy in Pest Vigadó.

Photo: MTI / Zsolt Szigetváry

She keeps in touch with her daughter and grandchildren on the phone, sings with them, tells them. He plans to return to Pest for Christmas, but only if conditions permit, it is not advisable to go to the crowd due to his age and health.

Géza Tordy lives in retirement

The Kossuth award-winning and two-time award-winning actor and director Mari Jászai, who has been awarded the title of Actor of the Nation, has rarely appeared in public for years, living in retirement and alone for more than ten years. As a young man he lived a life very opposite to the current one, he was a sociable person, but today he prefers peace and solitude.
