Government decisions in support of families happen


After Katalin Novák became Minister of the Family, she announced new family support programs that will take effect on January 1, 2021. These are as follows: in the case of a recoverable VAT check of 5%, half Up to HUF 3 million of home renovation costs will be borne by the state, there will be no age limit on children’s home care fees and a new and used apartment can be purchased free of charge. Origo has compiled details of the new family support programs.

Katalin Novákt, former Secretary of State of the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI) János Áder appointed by the President of the Republic on September 21 as Minister without Family Portfolio, with effect from October 1.

Katalin NovákSource: MTI / Lajos Soós

A day later, the new minister had already spoken to Kossuth radio. Good morning Hungary! in your program that In managing the coronavirus epidemic, maintaining the standard of living of families is as important as protecting human life and reviving the economy. Katalin Novák said that subsidies are constantly expanding and, according to plans, this will not stop in the next year and a half.

Previously, the scope of individual benefits has been extended, for example Starting in September, all students will receive textbooks free of charge and the government has made their meals free or discounted.

Instead of 27 percent, there will only be 5 percent VAT, and even that can be claimed

On October 11, also on Kossuth radio, Katalin Novák reminded him that WITH THE SHOCK INTRODUCED IN 2015, THE GOVERNMENT HAS CONTRIBUTED TO CREATING MORE THAN 150 THOUSAND FAMILIES AT HOME, with almost 500 billion HUF. And the goal is to be able to help families more in the future ”, he added.

That is why he announced that if someone buys a newly built property after January 1, 2021 – which does not exceed 150 square meters in the case of a flat and 300 square meters in the case of a house – then Instead of the current VAT of 27 percent, you only have to pay 5 percent. For example: WHEN BUYING HUF 30 MILLION REAL ESTATE, THIS CAN MEAN A SAVING OF HUF 6.5 MILLION, and 11 million for 50 million HUF.

As an added relief, the Minister said that those who buy a newly built property with a check Starting in January, they can also claim 5% VAT. Continuing with the previous example, a house of 30 million means an additional claim of 1.5 million on top of the 6.5 million of savings, and an additional 2.5 million on the 50 million, which will certainly remain with the families because they can claim the money back. VAT content.

As a refutation of the false news in this regard, Katalin Novák stated that Chocolate can also be used by parents raising their children alone after their existing children, it can also be used for a used property, and already in the case of having a child, and couples who plan to have a child are also eligible .

further IN CASE OF BECOMING A LARGE FAMILY, APPLICANTS CAN KEEP THE FULL BABY SUPPORT, To which is added the shock, and they can even take out a long-term loan of 15 million HUF, with a guaranteed interest rate of less than 3%.

Half the cost of home renovation is paid by the state

On October 14, Katalin Novák explained that the government will launch a home renovation program starting January 1. Families that raise at least one child are their home half of the renovation costs will be borne by the state, up to a maximum of HUF 3 million. This is completely independent of whether or not someone is taking advantage of the opportunity that chocolate offers.

The subsidy is definitely eligible until the child is 18 years old.

Katalin NovákSource: Origo

The minister said that the Hungarian State Treasury will be responsible for the program, because it will be able to meet the massive needs even in case of great interest. The government’s goal is to make claims as complete as possible online and implement them in the shortest time possible.

There is no age limit for your child.

Katalin Novák clarified that on October 16, in his program Straight Speech on ATV There will be no age limit for the child care fee (gyod), so the benefit will not end at the age of 18. It is important to emphasize this, as false news has already appeared in the left-wing propaganda media that the age limit for children is 18 years. This is fake news, as is the fact that the government spends little on home care fees. The reality, on the contrary, is that While in the time of Gyurcsánys little, only HUF 15 billion was actually spent for this purpose, under the Orbán governments it rose to 55 billion – revealed Bence Rétvári from the Secretary of State’s speech to Parliament on October 19.

You can buy a flat with free chocolate

Katalin Novák announced on October 19 that Starting in January, the government will grant a total tax exemption to those who buy new or used property with a check.


It is important to emphasize that the tax is not reimbursed to clients in hindsight, but they do not have to pay it at all. THE PROGRAM IS OPEN FROM ABOVE, PROVIDING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU NEED, THERE IS NO UPPER LIMIT.
