Google helps you develop games with Gpi


Project Chimera can also revolutionize game development.

Erin Hoffman-John did not give an interview to a magazine: she is the director of research and development for Google Stadia, and she is also the director of the Chimera Project. In his opinion, this can be used by Google Machine Learning to help even small, independent developers create a great world of detail in their games.

Source: xda

With this, up to 14 people could play a game the size of World of Warcraft. much less repetitive content will be required, and a functionally similar neural network has also been used to replace text in older games. However, there is much more to do here, great worlds, quests, and NPC creation will also run smoothly. The project can also be used to test these games and provide many valuable feedback to small development teams.

While Google Stadia is not a huge success, learning Project Chimera and the machine may pay more attention to video game development in the future.
