Gigaper began to divide Facebook


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Facebook could also be hacked by “more than 45” US federal states (the exact number has not been provided by the BBC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), meaning that the US Competition Authority You have filed a lawsuit against the social media giant. According to the lawsuit, it chose the “buy or bury” tactic over Facebook’s rivals, thus restricting the market, to the detriment of its rivals and users, who have lost control of their own data, which is now used to sell advertising. of the company.

“No company should have as much power over our personal and community interactions,” said Letitia James, Attorney General of the State of New York, General Counsel to the lawsuits brought by member states.

Their lawsuit is mainly focused on the acquisition of Instagram in 2012 and WhatsApp in 2014, as well as restrictions on third-party software developers, from which the fragmentation of Facebook begins. This is interesting because the acquisitions were approved by the FTC at the time. However, in their action, the states refer to a 2008 internal letter from Mark Zuckerberg, in which he suggested “it is better to buy [a riválisokat]to compete. “(Via BBC)

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