Germany took a one-sided step, with thousands of cars backing up from its borders.


During the first 24 hours of entry restrictions imposed to stop highly infectious mutations in the new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), units of the federal border police carried out approximately 10,000 inspections at the Czech and Tyrolean crossings on Monday in the morning. .

About half of the applicants, that is, five thousand people, did not meet the conditions, so they all had to be returned.

Steve Alter, spokesman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior, said at a briefing at a government spokesman in Berlin.

As you said, in Germany Of the working foreigners, only those working in so-called systemically important jobs are admitted. The list of these jobs has been compiled by the European Commission and is also used at German crossings.

He added that there would be more exceptions in addition to the Brussels list, but the development of the modalities had not yet been completed.

According to the accounts of public service media companies (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, Bayerischer Rundfunk) operating in the German territories bordering the Czech Republic and the province of Tyrol – Saxony, Bavaria the restrictions caused severe traffic jams and made it impossible for many of those who worked in Germany to work abroad.

Thus, for example, you are not allowed to work with a registered and valid employment contract and with social security. Czech construction workers because their profession is not considered of systemic importance.

The German federal government has also criticized the unilateral action of the German government, emphasizing that the restrictions endanger the functioning of the EU internal market.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert emphasized at a briefing in Berlin on Monday that they had no choice but to severely restrict entry because highly contagious versions of SARS-CoV-2 were rapidly spreading in affected areas, in the immediate vicinity of Germany. However, the free interoperability of the internal Schengen borders is in the common European interest, so the restrictions will be lifted as soon as possible, depending on the evolution of the epidemic situation.

The German government also imposed entry restrictions on the Czech Republic, Tyrol and Slovakia with effect from scratch on Sunday. In relation to Slovakia and the Czech Republic, B.1.1.7. The spread of the so-called British virus variant, B.1.351, is causing concern in Germany due to the virus variant B.1.351, first identified in South Africa.

Due to the spread of new versions of SARS-CoV-2, an entry restriction in Germany was imposed for the first time in late January. At the time, passenger traffic from the United Kingdom, European Union partner countries Portugal and Ireland, Brazil, and the South African region, Lesotho and the Kingdom of Estwan, formerly Swaziland, was restricted.

Cover photo: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder at the German-Czech border at the Schirnding crossing in Germany on February 14, 2021. An entry ban for those arriving in Germany from the Czech Republic came into effect on that day due to to the spread of new mutations in the coronavirus. Only German citizens, foreigners residing in Germany, healthcare workers and those involved in the transport of goods can enter the country, but they can only do so by pre-registering or submitting a negative coronavirus test. Source: MTI / EPA / Lukas Barth
