German smuggler committed suicide after being detained by Hungarian police


A 52-year-old German citizen was the man who tried to smuggle five illegal immigrants in his car across the Hungarian-Austrian border on Monday afternoon, and was later detained by police on main road 85 in Vitnyéd, Győr-Moson-Sopron county, getting out of the car and pulled out a hand grenade and ran to the grassy area next to the road. After failing to stop at his request, the police fired a warning shot before turning their gun on him and also detonated the hand grenade in his hand, killing him immediately.

Police now wrote that the man was also being investigated in Austria for human trafficking.

Police were able to intercept two of the migrants, telling them during questioning that they had arrived in Hungary from Serbia and had been picked up by a human smuggler in a wooded area. The two Syrians will be taken back to the security border, according to police. Three of his companions fled, captured by the Austrian police.

RTL Híradója also spoke with an eyewitness:


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