Gergely Karcsony has now decided to remove 85 trees


Gergely Karcsony gave permission to harvest 85 trees with yesterday’s decision, including emergency rights, Origo said on the main website. This is not only because protecting the environment and the environment has been an important element of the mayoral campaign, but also because it is much less concerned with fighting the law. Just think of the fvrosi maintenance homes: the number of people who died of coronary arteries and those infected was still very high at their home in Pest. The mayor on the left is still willing to see in person what is in his home in Pest, even though the city maintains it for the institution. A responsible mayor, like István Tarls, would have come to the place very soon.

“Let’s take back the clean air, the trees, the parks, which are slowly being lost. It is our duty, and now our children will be thrown into a city where they cannot be.”

“It is not enough to increase the threat of climate change, we still need to hear more and more about the demands.

“We will buy the red trim, put it on, and make sure that the people of Budapest provide fresh air for the next generation.”

This is just a few highlightsGergely Karcsonyof the mayor’s program that dealt with fk. The topic was included in the 40-page material many more times: In this context, you could read the word “tree” a total of fourteen times. Normally it would follow that the protection of nature and the environment is of utmost importance to the mayor elected in October.

To this end, yesterday, the decision of a mayor on the issue of trees was published on the city’s official website. According to this

Karcsony 85, Zrnyi gave permission for the export of tons of wood.

As is well known, during the special legal order promulgated by law, the mayor can practice the tasks of the General Assembly on one person, so he has made this decision (also) on one person. The question is whether it was not possible to find a more specific topic when Fvrosi kept Pest at home in the jrvnygyi gcpontjv. Of the institution’s residential residents, 44 died and were infected.

As we have understood many times, Gergely Karcsony was also unable to go there in person and see what was in Pest’s old house, that there were people living there. It doesn’t take much imagination to imagine that István Tarls would have studied in person the first day if he had had that law in the institution he supervised.


Many are surprised that Karcsony does not use the unlimited power of the emergency to fight the law. In our article last week, we concluded that the left-wing politician is instead fighting

  • considered the concreting and the reward of the cheese makers (payment to the leaders of the companies in the capital),
  • made irresponsible decisions (BKK flights are rare at the top of the law), or
  • dealt with non-professional issues (meaningless speed limits).

Farkas rs, a spokesman for the Government Information Center, summarized in a first-hand Internet publication what regulations Gergely Karcsony had made during the emergency.
