For many Viktor Orban Tuesday’s announcement was disappointing, leaving many with a sense of lack, he said. Gergely Christmas at a press conference Wednesday afternoon. The mayor said they expected the government to take substantive action, but it appears they have lagged behind.
Christmas also spoke about the time to speak honestly, calling the Hungarian epidemic a living hell and drawing attention to the fact that the epidemic is far from over.
In response to the prime minister’s announcement, the mayor believed that the introduction of free parking in the capital and other major cities would cause traffic chaos, and feared that it would only further increase traffic in the center.
Regarding the expansion of public transport, he indicated that since September public transport has been operating at a higher capacity than usual in Budapest, although the proportion of users is lower than usual, but more steps are being taken, especially during business hours. late.
What the government itself was doing was missing from the ad.
– said Christmas, who called for the expansion of testing capacity, because, as he said, not only is there little testing at the moment, but the results are coming in unacceptably slow.
Therefore, the local government of the capital is no longer waiting, he said, taking over the tasks of the state, they decided to start an extremely intensive test capacity expansion.
We will start purchasing 100,000 new antigen tests in a few days.
– announced the mayor, who stressed that these tests, like PCR tests, are very reliable and at the same time give immediate results, which helps to be able to screen those infected in the capital on time.
We believe that we will no longer tolerate government inaction, we will launch our own intensive testing program
– stated that the aim is to ensure that testing is possible in vulnerable sectors. As he said: 50 thousand tests are intended for workers of social institutions in the capital.
The mayor asked the districts to help the staff of educational institutions in the capital to access the tests. Therefore, it is willing to distribute 50,000 antigen tests to the districts in proportion to the population.
So 100,000 new tests and free trials for educators and those working in education, that’s what the capital is doing instead of the government
Said Christmas, who noted that since this testing program costs a lot of money, a donation line will be launched.
Featured image: Márton Mohos / 24.hu