Generation 40 Is Waking Up – Mass Layoffs Ahead?


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“Burnout is an extremely serious social symptom that the coronavirus epidemic has put a shovel to. And today, not only are generation x and boomers at risk, but it has appeared among generation and even generation, which, let’s be Sincere, it’s pretty scary. “The fact that someone might burn out even now, in their twenties, doesn’t promise much for the future,” said Szajes Hajnalka, an organizational psychologist, who told us it’s up to the company to take over successfully, for example, a permanent central office obstacles.

The expert stressed that workers in their 40s have also begun to “wake up”, looking for the most suitable job opportunities for them, they are no longer afraid of change.

“(…) we have to draw a clear line again, because if we don’t have the framework, we can easily find ourselves in the middle of long-lasting fatigue, demotivation and, in the long run, a severe crisis due to overstimulation, overwork: the community that used to be motivating, friends, team, slowly begins to drift away. What made us happy, we don’t care anymore, becomes routine. But the symptoms are still sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue. Even the slightest misunderstanding or conflict will become increasingly irritating, “he said. It is very important that work and private life are clearly separated and separated even during a permanent home office.

The full interview can be read here.

Cover image: Getty Images
