Gabriella Lantos: The situation in June may return in April


We are in the plateau phase of the coronavirus epidemic, but we don’t know how long we will be here, he said. Lantos gabriella, a board member of the New World People’s Party in its ATV Start program.

The health manager said that in April we will see if we can go back to the June data with strict restrictions. Lantos believes that we do not see a database of epidemiological data on the government information portal, but a “photograph” so that they cannot be analyzed in detail.

According to the expert, 6,000 deaths in Hungary could have been prevented if the Slovak Prime Minister had managed the epidemic in Hungary instead of Viktor Orbán. Compared to Slovakia, three times more people in Hungary listen to it per million people.

The epidemic broke out in Hungary, which the Slovaks did very well, that the restrictive measures were taken very early, as they heard from epidemiologists.

Lantos said. As he said, vaccination is the right tool to quell the epidemic, but a key issue is its logistics, which is how the vaccine reaches the masses. The expert pointed out that until society is vaccinated, strict rules must be followed in the same way so as not to reach the third wave.
