Gábor Török: more and more cases will arise


According to the political analyst, the polarization and distancing of electoral groups in the Hungarian party system has been so brutal in the recent period that it has become extremely difficult to transfer voters from one side to the other. He sees that the 2022 elections will depend on how many people manage to feel insecure.

The movement that was felt in support of Fidesz this year was expected as the coronavirus epidemic emerged, usually with increased support for the party in the first half of the crisis as the crisis worsened, followed by gradual erosion . Looking at it that way, it was a form on paper: Gábor Török started the reviewer of the year on ATV’s Straight Talk.

According to the political analyst, as early as 2020, it could be seen that Fidesz has a structured plan that started to unfold, as overhead cuts were developed before 2014, migration policy before 2018, and now everything was erased by the coronavirus epidemic. Although there were unpleasant cases that did not help Fidesz, the coronavirus epidemic completely rewritten the political agenda, he added. “The Fidesz power plant did everything possible to handle this matter with its usual methods, only this case was very different,” said Gábor Török. It considers a serious communication error when the success of managing the epidemic has been related to the number of deaths.

According to him, József Szájer’s sex scandal caused deep wounds in Fidesz’s inner world. He believes that despite the scandal, we will not see Fidesz change radically, but rather advance with the same techniques, along the same path. As he said, the polarization and distancing of electoral groups in the Hungarian party system has been so brutal in the recent period that it has become extremely difficult to transfer voters from one side to the other.


The political analyst expects a very tough campaign, precisely because the parties cannot transfer new voters to the other side, but can destabilize the other side, Turkey says that the election will depend on this. As you said, there will be a strange campaign in the sense that 90-95 percent of the voters in the opposite field will have to speak unnecessarily, the fight will be carried out by 5-10 percent. According to Turks, let’s hope that more and more cases will emerge.

According to him, the opposition will not be able to demonstrate its ability to govern until 2022 because it does not have many means to do so. It coincides with the previous sentences of János Lázár: 2022 will be about whether or not Fidesz.
