Gábor Kemenesi: this is what awaits us after the vaccine


Gábor Kemenesi brought the example of Israel as good news, where because world leaders in vaccinating the population managed to spread the spread of the virus. Based on the value of R0, the figure below also shows the point where the population’s vaccination rate has reached 100%, Kemenesi says, and Although the country is already open, the value of R0 is falling very well in the third wave. He also mentioned that the poison of the epidemic can be eliminated with vaccinesas Israeli data shows a steady decline in the number of new coronavirus cases, hospitalizations, and mortality.

Until we defeat the virus everywhere, we defeat it nowhere

“He added as a basic truth, the Israeli figures are encouraging in any case,” he said.

He mentioned it as a separate story. The AstraZeneca case, since many countries have stopped vaccinating the vaccine after developing hematopoietic problems in some vaccinated. Kemenesi said the biggest response here may be due to the fact that AstraZeneca had problems after vaccination at a million cases per million, rather than the expected million from vaccines. Here, the expert emphasizes that even if there is a link between the cases and the vaccine, this means that the problem of hematopoiesis is included in the description of the vaccine as an extremely rare risk option.. Here He also gave an example of birth control pills, which also carry this risk.. He also noted that according to the European Medicines Agency, the benefits of the vaccine far outweigh the potential risks, with a small number of cases known to cause hematopoiesis out of the 20 million doses administered.

It is no longer a country that does not have its own variant, he alluded to the great media coverage that surrounds the mutations of the coronavirus. In this regard, Gábor Kemenesi said that the Mutations are a natural part of viruses, as a virologist it is said that this is how people get used to the virus.. However, a complete mutation of the virus that prevents the vaccine has not yet been found and is not expected as a virologist.

Despite the many mutations present the number of variants considered for follow-up is threeThese are the ones with the best spread, causing more deaths. These are British, Brazilian and South African mutations.. It emphasizes that vaccines also protect in these cases, at least to the extent that there are no serious cases.

What will happen after the vaccine?

He asks Kemenesi and does not give the reassuring answer that many hope: we must remove the poison from the virus when we can already see a decrease in the number of hospitalized and serious cases, and this will bring the redemption that we can open. .

However, he notes thatIt is not yet known whether vaccines can provide protection after which the virus cannot settle in the upper respiratory tract.. Because this can also happen when we even carry the virus asymptomatically after vaccination and thus we can transmit it. While there are rumors that some vaccines offer complete protection, we don’t know yet, he noted.

However, with the spread of the virus, as it is now, it is very important to behave exactly after vaccination as before.

Stressed. The fact that the vaccine came doesn’t trigger all the other things we’ve learned before, he says. until the population is immunized, it is very important that we use all our weapons to the fullest.

However, after inoculation, the light can reach the end of the tunnel, as can now be seen in Israel. There is a reason to fight, the end seems to be over, he added as a closing.

Gábor Kemenesi is a regular author of the Portfolio On The Other Hand column. In his most recent article, he covered vaccines, mutations, and the viral situation.

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