FTC: We have identified six points where we can strengthen ourselves – Kubatov


Gábor Kubatov, president of Ferencváros, spoke in an interview with M4 Sport about the fact that in the near future they want to strengthen the football team in six positions and that half of the plan would be implemented already in winter.

Gábor Kubatov (Photo: National Sports, 2019)


“Since I have been president Fradi, we have been climbing year after year, we have not had a year in which we have not performed better, things have not gone in a positive direction. And Rebrov likes this: formulated Gábor Kubatov. “The losses were also good because we saw the points where our team needed to strengthen. We have selected six points and positions where we need to strengthen, half of which we want to implement already in the winter ”.

Kubatov added that it has never been the case that they have relatively large sums, but at the same time they don’t want to waste money, they want to get a new player as cleverly as Tokmac or Zubkov when they got certified for “a few hundred thousand euros.”

And if it’s money: Kubatov also showed how we envision Serhiy Rebrov’s contract.

“We have a financially good contract with Rebrov, if we are successful, then in Europe, if not among the coaches with the best income, he has a salary in the top category. That way, you can stay here because you’re making a lot of money, you’re in the right place, and your family is having a good time. ”

In the president’s opinion, the outstanding performance of the team in the fall is the result of much joint work.

“Rebrov is a fantastic coach and a very difficult person. Dawn Tomi is also a fantastic coach and he’s also a tough guy, but I’m not easy either. If someone wants to achieve something in life, it cannot be easy ”- He said about professional management, adding that he wouldn’t run to the locker room unless called.

Kubatov stressed that the Ukrainian coach has a lot of determination and dedicates his energies only to something that contributes to the success of the team.

“You could be nicer, you could smile more, but you don’t do anything, that’s enough for us. He brings all his knowledge here and we meet because that kind of attitude would be harder for a bigger club to bear. We come out of a couple of places that you don’t feel like performing, be it media coverage, charity. I can see that he’s doing this too, but in the meantime, he’s constantly thinking about what to do the next day in training, what kind of player should be certified, what tactics are they playing in the next game. That’s a lot to appreciate. ”

