Fruzsina Görgényi on the breakup –


Made a difficult decision Fruzsina Görgényi and Csaba Vastag a few weeks ago: they separated and both are trying to start a new life.

Fruzsina Görgényi

Fruzsina Görgényi does not urge the disappearance of pain and sadness – Source: Focus – video

I think there is one thing in life, I have never experienced one before, and it is new to me, that your heart really wants to stay somewhere else, but you know with your mind that your place is not there and you need to move on.“Actress admitted In focus.

Fruzsina Görgényi has been reading a lot of self-improvement books lately and believes that we shouldn’t run away from pain because it only empowers people. “I try to cry consciously“The Between friends a star that does not hide from the world that is at a low point.

A Between friends Their star has now declared their breakup to avoid rumors. “I also don’t want to reveal our little world and our secrets now, and I think it also helped our love to be really deep that we tried to protect ourselves from the outside world. (…) Unfortunately, neither a plate break nor a door slam occurred to me, we really said goodbye with great love and respect. (…) And we never did something to the other that prevented us from looking into each other’s eyes later. And I think it is a very good basis for our relationship to develop into a good friendship.Fruzsina Görgényi said.

After his recently posted series of sexy photos, male fans immediately began to bombard with offers, but as he says, he’s not thinking of jumping into another relationship right now.

Read more about Fruzsina Görgényi at nlc!
