From Tuesday, strict border measures will come


Chancellor Gergely Gulys announced the introduction of strict legal measures by the Government on Friday, starting September 1, with the details of the htvgn set. The essence of the measures is that, from September, foreign nationals can enter Hungary only in exceptional cases, and Hungarians who return abroad must be quarantined for two weeks or have two negative tests within 48 hours. On Saturday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbn said at the first meeting of the working group on border measures that the threat of coronary influx should be reduced, especially in case of a second wave of the law, so strict border measures were ordered.

As the Origo knew in detail, the government of August 28 Gulely gulys Describing government decisions related to legal defense, the minister in charge of the prime minister said that as of September 1, a foreign national can only enter Hungary in justified cases, in compliance with strict security regulations. Hungarian citizens returning from abroad must be quarantined for 14 days, or if we do not, they must produce two negative coronary tests within 48 hours. and this measure also applies to foreigners who study in our country.

Said it was a homecoming case only tests performed in Hungary will be accepted, In other countries, they are not manufactured because they cannot be kept. The minister said:the greatest danger comes from outside the world, so it is necessary to close the borders, as a precautionary measure.

In addition to the well-known details of good regulation, Gergely Gulys noted that the exceptions for foreigners include internal work by foreign workers (this also requires a permit), transit traffic (both for them and for individuals). and military convoys in Thaladsa. Foreign citizens can remain limited to 30 km in a limited number of days, with the exception of Ukraine. that it has completely closed its borders to cheese citizens (here, in particular, non-Hungarian citizens who are rescuing our borders and studying or working in Hungary are the victims).

In special cases (for example, if one of the members of a marriage is a Hungarian citizen and the other is not), the national police headquarters can grant an exemption, as has been the case so far, there is no change in this regard.

In Hungarian cases, the Hungarian state does not fund the tests, but those who are in the line of contact investigation cancel the tests. Instead of the current chrome, two intentions, red and green, will be introduced, all foreign countries will receive a red ranking, only Hungary will be green.

The minister stressed that, of course, he could still leave Hungary under the responsibility of cheese.

Gergely Gulys emphasized that If we close the borders and follow the rules at home, the coronary artery can be controlled.

Regarding education, it is worth knowing that the completion is scheduled, the dance will start on time, the government strives to avoid having to close schools temporarily

It is also in the interest of the Hungarian economy that education operates on a normal schedule. There is a legal environment for individual cases, which allows a hardening of the educational base in educational institutions. English: If infected people are found in a school, they can be locked up and digital education can be temporarily returned there. National class assignments can be maintained on an individual basis.

No restrictions have been introduced at the moment, nor in the elderly, and a greater number of infections have been identified. In the future, the use of masks will be more strictly controlled.Special rules will apply to sporting events, which will be described shortly. By default, unless there is an extraordinary change, the now announced restrictions will be valid for one month between September 1 and October 1.

Viktor Orbn: The introduction of vrus should reduce the danger

The government working group, which met on Saturday morning, decided the details of the legal sanctions that will be introduced from September 1, which will take place at the Belgian Ministry. Orbn Viktor our minister began with sympathy.

A video of the meeting was posted on Viktor Orbn’s community page, in which our minister says:

First of all, we have to reduce the introduction of the virus, which is why we order strict border measures, the technical details of which have been considered. Bring the helmsman.

On behalf of the Ministerial Press Office, Minister Viktor Orbn will appear before the Ministerial Working Group at the Belgian Ministry on August 29, 2020.Source: MTI / Miniszterelnki Sajtiroda / Benko Vivien Cher

Viktor Orbn emphasized: “We are able to catch up, as we did in the first wave of the virus and the second wave. Now we are on time ”.

The danger of the introduction of the virus is clearly greater in countries that are heavily visited by foreign tourists, including Hungarians. Also include Croatia, Greece, Italy and Spain.

Beaches and beaches can be considered particularly endangered and under 40 based on age, this has been addressed by Origo in various articles that can be found here and here.

In a debate on August 21, our minister Viktor Orbn drew attention to the fact that from the first of September, that is, from Tuesday, no one should book a trip southbound, so do not plan> nor, as strict measures will be introduced.
