From now on, the international expansion of Mészáros will be in charge of the former executive director of OTP


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Zsolt Barna announced in July that he would be leaving OTP as Deputy CEO of the bank by mutual agreement. At the same time, he resigned from all other positions in other companies of the OTP Group.

On Monday, the Mészáros Group and Magyar Bankholding Zrt., Destined for one of the largest banks in the country, have already announced that Barna will continue its career with them.

As of September 1, he will be the Vice Chairman of Magyar Bankholding Zrt. And it will also play a key role in the Mészáros Group. According to its announcement, with the appointment of Zsolt Barna, the management of Magyar Bankholding Zrt. Will be further strengthened, together with József Vida, president and CEO, and Ádám Balog and András Bencze, members of the Board of Directors. Bankholding aims to prepare for the establishment of a new nationally owned banking group with the merger of Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt. (MTB), MKB Bank Nyrt. (MKB) and Budapest Bank Zrt. (BB).

In mid-May, MTB Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt. (MTB) and MKB Bank Nyrt. (MKB) signed a letter of intent to establish a joint finance company.

Lőrinc Mészáros still has a 48 percent stake in MKB. A third was bought by a private equity fund owned by an individual in Szolnok last year from Mészáros’s business partner, László Siirj, who was on vacation as foreign minister. Takarék is run by József Vida, who is also the owner of TV2 and has known Lőrinc Mészáros for so long that he personally turned on the gas so that they don’t have to appear at trial.

One of the most important tasks of Zsolt Barna is the successful launch of the new giant bank in close cooperation and division of tasks with the CEO.

The strategic objective is for the banking group, which will be formed by the merger of the three financial institutions, to become one of the most important players in the sector in the next five years.It has been announced that the renowned banker will have other key tasks within the Mészáros Group, which is a KEY PLAYER of Hungarian economic life: he actively participates in the development of the group’s strategic objectives and the management of their implementation, as well as in the government corporate and foreign acquisitions.

plans and manages the expansion of the Mészáros Group in the international market.Zsolt Barna began his career as a banker at the State Money and Capital Market Authority, and from 1998 he was the department head of the HFSA and later the department head. Since 2006, he has been the managing director of the HFSA’s oversight department.

Since 2010, he has worked for the OTP Group for a decade, where he has held various management positions. As Chairman of CKB Bank since 2010, he has successfully managed the crisis management and reorganization of the Montenegrin subsidiary. In 2017-2018, he led the first major subsidiary integration of OTP Bank in Croatia. Between 2016 and 2018, he was President and CEO of OTP Ingatlan Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt. And president of OTP Alapkezelő Zrt. Between September 1, 2018 and July 21, 2020, he held the position of Deputy General Manager of OTP Bank Plc.

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