From December 15, the quarantine in France will be suspended: here is the announcement


With the reopening of stores on Saturday, the gradual elimination of epidemiological restrictions on the coronavirus epidemic in France will begin, and the government plans to end the general quarantine on December 15, Emmanuel Macron announced.

The French head of state indicated in a televised speech on Tuesday night that all the stores forced to close on October 30 could reopen on Saturday, and worship services could be held with up to thirty people after the second wave of the epidemic. writes MTI.

The ban on unjustified abandonment will be lifted by the government on December 15, if the epidemiological situation allows it, but the night curfew will take effect from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Due to the end of the year holidays between December 24 and December 31, there will be no night curfew, but larger events will be prohibited.

Theaters, cinemas and museums may open on December 15, but the opening date of restaurants, gyms and nightclubs will only be decided in January. In high schools, teaching can continue not just in small groups but in whole classes starting January 20, and colleges can reopen two weeks later.

According to data from the Health Ministry on Tuesday night, the number of deaths in the epidemic reached 50,000. In the past 24 hours, their number has increased from 458 to 50,237, and more than 30,000 of them died in the spring.

Although epidemiological indicators have been declining for a week, the head of state says that the daily number of cases and the number of seriously ill patients should drop between 5,000 and 3,000 to return to normal.

And on Tuesday, authorities discovered another 9,155 new cases, treating 30,622 infected in hospitals, 859 fewer than on Monday. In the intensive care units there were 4289 critically ill patients, a decrease of 165 in the last 24 hours.

For this reason, the President of the Republic asked the French to “continue their efforts” in the fight against the coronavirus infection, after “although we have slowed the spread of the epidemic, it is still very present.”

“If we don’t want a third wave tomorrow, we must be even more careful. Take care of our relatives, especially the vulnerable, by wearing the mask, even at home when we are with friends or relatives who do not live in the same apartment as us!” Emmanuel Macron emphasized.

The president said the vaccine will be available “from late December to early January” for those most at risk, but it will not be mandatory.

The ski slopes are not open for the end of the year holidays, it is expected that from January you can only ski in French ski paradises.
Emmanuel Macron also promised additional financial subsidies for institutions and restaurants that remain closed, including compensation for their loss of income in the amount of 20 percent of their 2019 turnover, instead of the € 10,000 monthly allowance offered so far.
