Friderikus wants you to cry when you see Schobert Norbert, 90


The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages.

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Everyone can really regret that Antal Rogán and Cecília Rogán are divorced, because if it had been worth starting this show with someone, they are. But luckily, there are still a couple of iconic celebrity couples in the country, whose moves and words are worth a treasure, but at least one item. For example, the Schoberts, who were the first to dress up as wrinkled old men on the new RTL Klub show.

“The The history of our lives quite a special show ”

– Sándor Friderikusz started the confrontation, and he’s right, because when I first heard what RTL Klub’s show for the new tissue destroyer is about, I really didn’t get the point, and if I should have expressed my thoughts on the show from very subtle way, I would have said something similar.

Images: RTL Club

Everyone will have their own grandmother

the The history of our lives made under a Dutch license, and after part one, thankfully, the point was that the celebrity guest couples were talking to Sándor Friderikusz about what would happen decades later, not with the planet on the brink of destruction, but with their relationship. , and what would they be like then. It is quite correct that many see WHY and WHY, as even the most basic smartphone has been able to download applications for years to age any of our photos, but this program does not digitally turn characters into old people, but teachers of the masks work hours to make sure everyone looks like your own grandmother.

In the first show, Schobert Norbert and Rubin Réka dressed up as twenty and then forty years older, yes, because the guests are twice their age, to ensure they run out of a pack of hundreds of bags by the end of the show. Of course, not at home, but in the studio, where they were obviously set up for this and took a packet of tissues, presumably scented, from a box next to Frederick, which they could actually put on a coffee table closer to the guests to that the presenter doesn’t always have to get up and give them away.

So this is now a spectacle to be touched and astonished at the same time, and then, laughing decades later, to look back from the archives of the internet, in a way, as we can now look back at a milder torment. and greater astonishment in Frideric’s fantastic Europe, which was subjected to the 2003 referendum, on which Hungary had to decide whether to join the European Union.

I first liked her butt

According to Friderikus, Schobert and Rubin have been “living together in fabulous happiness for nineteen years,” “successful, wealthy, and of course divisive,” but forgot to add that anyone who has seen / read / heard an interview with them won’t get much. Among the main topics was obviously Schobert’s heart surgery in 2012 and of course the fact that he had a hard time tolerating his wife wanting a career for a long time, but we learned such important things that Schobert liked his butt in Rubint for the first time in that red and white stripe. In “Latin trapeze pants”, or that he later cheated on him because “success broke into his life a lot”, but he didn’t actually have a lover, his wife “just ran into the wrong message exchange.”

But since the point of the show is what the guests will look like with old, wrinkled, gray hair, here are the photos everyone clicked on. Schobert, now 49, and Rubin, 42, will look like this at 70 and 62:

This is the case between the ages of 90 and 82:

Some important quotes from the show:

Schobert on why he didn’t like his wife working: “I wanted to have a wife and the mother of my children by my side so I could proudly look at myself in the mirror and create everything for them and give everything to them. (…) I felt that my husband’s role was undermined. Because I feel that an adult does not become an adult when he turns 18, but when he finally supports himself. And that adult becomes a man when he has something else. (…) I’m over this, only then did I think that I wanted to be husband and man and that Réka shouldn’t have to be a clown about it ”.

Schobert on his fortune:

“Thank God still and to this day I am earning enough to support fifty wives.”

Schobert from Ruby the Elder, “I would love to have a sexual grandmother come in: a whip, a mask.”

Schobert on aging: “I don’t want to be crazy or a fool.”

Schobert to Rubint, 82 years old:

“You’re also beautiful! Your mother! Your hand!”

Schobert’s vision: “I would like to be remembered as the one who did the most for the health of Hungarians, not as a doctor. That is enough for me. “

Rubin on her daughter: “I don’t know what will happen to Lara because she worries about everything. She is very talented in singing, she looks for beautiful modeling agencies, she speaks English perfectly, so anything can be Lara. “

According to the preliminary, the guests of the next show will be Ervin Nagy and Alexandra Borbély, and the latter will throw the former with diced sugar that is taken from home in the studio.

In the 2018 parliamentary elections, the opposition coalition fell short and Fidesz once again won a two-thirds majority. It’s about the secret negotiations that lead here and the infighting that takes place behind the scenes. MACRO last edition. Péter Magyari, one of the 444 best-known investigative journalists, has been conducting background interviews with the most influential actors in Hungarian political life for months, seeking the answer to the basic question of Hungarian democracy: “Can the government be replaced in the elections?”

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